Highway Code Test

Free Highway Code Test

You have 57 minutes to answer 50 multiple choice Highway Code questions. At least 43 out of 50 questions must be answered correctly in order to pass the test. Answers may be reviewed after each question or you can wait until the end of the test for your final score. Good luck!

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A For fashion
B To avoid traffic
C To enhance visibility for safety
D To stay warm
Correct Answer: C To enhance visibility for safety
Explanation: Wearing bright items in poor daylight helps enhance visibility, making it safer for the wearer and other road users.
A Lanes are always empty
B Only buses use these lanes
C Traffic is slower in these lanes
D Traffic may be moving faster
Correct Answer: D Traffic may be moving faster
Explanation: Highway Code Rule 12 states that traffic in bus and cycle lanes may be moving faster or against the flow, requiring extra caution.
A Crossing roads carelessly
B Driving above the speed limit
C Getting onto a moving vehicle
D Using mobile phones while driving
Correct Answer: C Getting onto a moving vehicle
Explanation: Highway Code Rule 16 specifically prohibits getting onto or holding onto a moving vehicle.
A Always congested too
B Changes direction
C It may still move
D It must stop
Correct Answer: C It may still move
Explanation: While your side is stopped due to congestion, the other side's traffic may still be moving.
A Narrow crossing spaces
B Pedestrian figures
C Standard traffic lights
D Wider spaces, horse figures
Correct Answer: D Wider spaces, horse figures
Explanation: Equestrian crossings have pavement barriers, wider spaces, and horse and rider figures in light panels.
A At night
B During rain
C When green lights show
D When red lights show
Correct Answer: D When red lights show
Explanation: You must not cross when red lights show, including a red pedestrian figure, indicating a train is approaching.
A No, it's usually slower
B Only during peak hours
C Only in pedestrian areas
D Yes, it's the same
Correct Answer: A No, it's usually slower
Explanation: Your machine's speed is restricted to 8 mph, which is usually slower than other traffic.
A Both a saddle and bridle
B Helmet only
C Just a bridle
D Just a saddle
Correct Answer: A Both a saddle and bridle
Explanation: Rule 52 states to never ride a horse without both a saddle and bridle for safety.
A Four abreast
B No more than two abreast
C Single file always
D Three abreast
Correct Answer: B No more than two abreast
Explanation: Rule 53 states to never ride more than two abreast, and single file on narrow/busy roads and round bends.
A Always use roundabouts
B Avoid roundabouts wherever possible
C Use roundabouts at night only
D Use roundabouts in clear weather
Correct Answer: B Avoid roundabouts wherever possible
Explanation: Rule 55 advises avoiding roundabouts wherever possible for safety reasons.
A During bad weather
B Under the influence of drink or drugs
C While tired
D Without a bell
Correct Answer: B Under the influence of drink or drugs
Explanation: Cycling under the influence of drink, drugs, or certain medicines is forbidden by Rule 68.
A Only at night
B When the lights are green
C When the traffic lights are red
D Without wearing a helmet
Correct Answer: C When the traffic lights are red
Explanation: Rule 71 states cyclists must not cross the stop line when traffic lights are red to comply with traffic laws.
A All other vehicles
B Pedestrians crossing
C Traffic turning into/out of side roads
D You, over traffic turning into/out of side roads
Correct Answer: D You, over traffic turning into/out of side roads
Explanation: Cyclists going straight have priority over traffic turning into or out of side roads, unless indicated otherwise, as per Rule 76.
A Always overtake on the left
B Great care, especially at junctions
C Ignore the vehicle’s signals
D Pass quickly and closely
Correct Answer: B Great care, especially at junctions
Explanation: Take great care when passing long vehicles, especially at junctions, as their drivers may not see you, as stated in Rule 76.
A Always stop and wait
B Only use during the day
C Ride across
D Use them like regular crossings
Correct Answer: C Ride across
Explanation: Cyclists should not ride across pelican, puffin, or zebra crossings but should dismount and wheel their cycle across, as per Rule 81.
A No one
B Only the pillion passenger
C Only the rider
D Rider and pillion passenger
Correct Answer: D Rider and pillion passenger
Explanation: Both the rider and pillion passenger must wear a protective helmet on a motorcycle, scooter, or moped, as per Rule 83.
A 22 microgrammes/100ml
B 35 microgrammes/100ml
C 50 microgrammes/100ml
D 80 microgrammes/100ml
Correct Answer: B 35 microgrammes/100ml
Explanation: The legal limit in England and Wales is 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath.
A Covered but not secured
B Loosely for easy access
C Only in the boot
D Safely, not sticking out dangerously
Correct Answer: D Safely, not sticking out dangerously
Explanation: Loads must be secured safely and must not stick out dangerously.
A Adult seat belt
B Booster cushion
C Correct child restraint
D No restraint
Correct Answer: C Correct child restraint
Explanation: A child from 3 years to 1.35 metres in height must use the correct child restraint in cars.
A Cancel them
B Leave them on
C Signal in the opposite direction
D Use them intermittently
Correct Answer: A Cancel them
Explanation: After using signals, they should be cancelled to avoid confusion.
A After 8 pm to 6 am
B From 9 pm to 5 am
C Half an hour after sunset to before sunrise
D When it's dark outside
Correct Answer: C Half an hour after sunset to before sunrise
Explanation: Night is defined as the period between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise.
A Lay-bys and slip roads
B Left edge of the road
C Middle of the road
D Right edge of the road
Correct Answer: B Left edge of the road
Explanation: Red studs are used to mark the left edge of the road, helping drivers to maintain proper lane discipline.
A At high speeds
B At very low speeds
C In clear conditions
D On motorways
Correct Answer: B At very low speeds
Explanation: Merging in turn is recommended at very low speeds, such as approaching road works or traffic incidents, for safety.
A Checking mirrors
B Loud music
C Turning on headlights
D Using seat belts
Correct Answer: B Loud music
Explanation: Loud music is listed as a distraction in Rule 148 as it can mask other important sounds on the road.
A A navigation system and safety kit
B A valid driving license and helmet
C A vehicle inspection and emission test
D Proper registration, taxing, and insurance
Correct Answer: D Proper registration, taxing, and insurance
Explanation: Rule 158 states that motorcycles and quadricycles must be registered, taxed, and insured for road use.
A A gap behind the road user
B A gap on the opposite lane
C A suitable gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake
D Any gap, regardless of size
Correct Answer: C A suitable gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake
Explanation: Rule 162 emphasizes the need for a suitable gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake.
A After a ‘Give Way’ sign
B After a ‘No Overtaking’ sign until a sign cancelling the restriction
C Before a speed limit sign
D Near a 'Stop' sign
Correct Answer: B After a ‘No Overtaking’ sign until a sign cancelling the restriction
Explanation: Overtaking is not permitted after a ‘No Overtaking’ sign and until a sign cancelling the restriction, as stated in Rule 165.
A If the traffic lights are red
B To allow an emergency vehicle to pass
C Turning right and stopped by oncoming traffic
D Waiting for a pedestrian crossing
Correct Answer: C Turning right and stopped by oncoming traffic
Explanation: You may wait in a box junction when turning right if stopped by oncoming traffic or vehicles also turning right.
A Making U-turns
B Stopping completely
C Using indicators
D Yielding to all traffic
Correct Answer: A Making U-turns
Explanation: Avoid making U-turns at mini-roundabouts, and be aware of others who might attempt this, as stated in Rule 188.
A Accelerate
B Ignore cyclists
C Only give way at night
D Slow down or stop
Correct Answer: D Slow down or stop
Explanation: Slowing down or stopping is required when approaching a parallel crossing with pedestrians or cyclists waiting.
A Cyclists or motorcyclists on the inside of the traffic
B Only oncoming vehicles
C Pedestrians crossing the road
D Traffic lights
Correct Answer: A Cyclists or motorcyclists on the inside of the traffic
Explanation: When turning right across slow-moving or stationary traffic, watch for cyclists or motorcyclists inside the traffic.
A Checking mirrors and blind spots carefully
B Following traffic signals
C Increasing speed
D Keeping a steady speed
Correct Answer: A Checking mirrors and blind spots carefully
Explanation: When changing direction or lane, it's crucial to check mirrors and blind spots for motorcyclists and cyclists.
A Before the brow of a hill, a bend, or a narrow section of road
B Directly after a pedestrian crossing
C In a designated parking space
D In the middle of a junction
Correct Answer: A Before the brow of a hill, a bend, or a narrow section of road
Explanation: Avoid stopping before the brow of a hill, a bend, or a narrow section of road when giving way to emergency vehicles to ensure safety for all road users.
A 50 mph (80 km/h)
B 56 mph (90 km/h) even on a motorway
C 60 mph (96 km/h)
D 70 mph (112 km/h)
Correct Answer: B 56 mph (90 km/h) even on a motorway
Explanation: Many large vehicles may have speed limiting devices fitted, restricting their speed to 56 mph (90 km/h) even on motorways.
A Clear all snow and ice
B Defrost only the rear window
C Just clear the driver’s side window
D Only clear the windscreen
Correct Answer: A Clear all snow and ice
Explanation: It's mandatory to clear all snow and ice from all windows of the vehicle for proper visibility before setting off.
A As you would in dry conditions
B Fast to reduce time in bad weather
C Only use main roads
D With care, even if roads have been treated
Correct Answer: D With care, even if roads have been treated
Explanation: In icy or snowy conditions, driving with care is essential, even on treated roads, due to the increased risks.
A It may become slippery
B It will clear all debris from the road
C It will have no effect
D It will make the road less slippery
Correct Answer: A It may become slippery
Explanation: Rain after a dry spell can make the road surface slippery, affecting steering and braking.
A For a short distance
B For at least 10 miles
C Long enough to adjust speed
D Until the next exit
Correct Answer: C Long enough to adjust speed
Explanation: Remain in the left-hand lane long enough to adjust to the speed of traffic before considering overtaking.
A Only at night
B Only during heavy traffic
C When overtaking
D When the road ahead is clear
Correct Answer: D When the road ahead is clear
Explanation: You should drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear, according to Highway Code Rule 264.
A Always, as a precaution
B If you wish to follow the overhead signs
C Never, it's for emergency vehicles
D Only in heavy traffic
Correct Answer: B If you wish to follow the overhead signs
Explanation: You should only get into a lane that leads directly off the motorway if you intend to follow the direction indicated on the overhead signs.
A Fuel level
B Mirrors and blind spot
C Time of day
D Vehicle speed
Correct Answer: B Mirrors and blind spot
Explanation: It's essential to check mirrors and the blind spot to ensure safety before overtaking.
A Speed limits are higher
B They are designed for fast driving
C They are usually straight
D They may have sharp bends
Correct Answer: D They may have sharp bends
Explanation: Some slip-roads and link roads have sharp bends, requiring a reduction in speed for safety.
A Blue and white
B Green and yellow
C Red and amber
D Red and blue
Correct Answer: C Red and amber
Explanation: Traffic officers use rear-facing flashing red and amber lights in these situations.
A Keeping a safe distance
B Observing signs
C Switching lanes to overtake
D Using mirrors
Correct Answer: C Switching lanes to overtake
Explanation: Do not switch lanes to overtake queuing traffic in lanes restricted due to road works.
A A level crossing.
B A pedestrian crossing.
C A roundabout.
D A traffic light.
Correct Answer: A A level crossing.
Explanation: Parking or stopping on or near a level crossing is prohibited for safety reasons.
A Keep driving
B Only slow down
C Stop and wait
D Turn around
Correct Answer: C Stop and wait
Explanation: Flashing red lights at a crossing indicate you must stop and wait, ensuring safety at the crossing.
A Attendant
B Barriers
C Traffic lights
D ‘Give Way’ sign
Correct Answer: A Attendant
Explanation: Open crossings lack attendants, gates, barriers, and traffic lights, relying on drivers' awareness for safety.
A After contacting the operator
B Alarm sounds or amber light comes on
C The crossing gates open
D When you see a train
Correct Answer: B Alarm sounds or amber light comes on
Explanation: An alarm or amber light is an urgent signal to leave the vehicle and get clear of the crossing for safety.
A Extremely hazardous
B Minor inconvenience
C No risk
D Small fine
Correct Answer: A Extremely hazardous
Explanation: Not ensuring clearance can be extremely hazardous, as per Rule 307.
A A downhill road for easier overtaking
B Clear weather conditions
C Enough room to complete the manoeuvre
D The large vehicle is signalling
Correct Answer: C Enough room to complete the manoeuvre
Explanation: Ensuring enough room to complete the overtaking manoeuvre is crucial, especially since it takes longer to pass a large vehicle.

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