Rule 213 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 213. There are 5 questions in this test. You need to answer 4 out of 5 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A Exclusively in bike lanes
B On narrow sections of road and at junctions
C Only on one-way streets
D Only when turning
Correct Answer: B On narrow sections of road and at junctions
Explanation: Cyclists may ride in the centre of the lane on narrow roads, quiet streets, junctions, and in slower-moving traffic.
A For safety, to ensure they can see and be seen
B Only if they are racing
C To occupy more road space
D When instructed by road signs
Correct Answer: A For safety, to ensure they can see and be seen
Explanation: Riding two abreast can be safer for cyclists in certain situations, helping with visibility and group safety.
A As close as possible
B At least a door's width or 1 metre
C Exactly 2 metres
D There's no specified distance
Correct Answer: B At least a door's width or 1 metre
Explanation: For safety, cyclists are advised to ride at least a door's width or 1 metre from parked cars.
A Allow them to ride in the centre of the lane
B Encourage them to move to the side
C Overtake them closely
D Sound your horn to alert them
Correct Answer: A Allow them to ride in the centre of the lane
Explanation: On narrow sections of road, horse riders may ride in the centre of the lane for safety, and drivers should allow this.
A Follow them closely
B Give them plenty of room and pay attention to sudden changes
C Honk to indicate your presence
D Ignore their movements
Correct Answer: B Give them plenty of room and pay attention to sudden changes
Explanation: Give motorcyclists, cyclists, and horse riders plenty of room, especially when they need to navigate around obstacles.