Rule 240 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 240. There are 5 questions in this test. You need to answer 4 out of 5 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A In front of your own driveway
B Near a school, unless it's restricted
C On a bridge
D On the carriageway or hard shoulder of a motorway, pedestrian crossings, clearways, and other specified places
Correct Answer: D On the carriageway or hard shoulder of a motorway, pedestrian crossings, clearways, and other specified places
Explanation: It's prohibited to stop or park on the carriageway or hard shoulder of a motorway, pedestrian crossings, clearways, taxi bays, urban clearways during operation hours, and other specified areas.
A At any time if it's not busy
B During evenings and weekends only
C If the broken white line is on your side
D Only to pick up or set down passengers or load/unload goods
Correct Answer: D Only to pick up or set down passengers or load/unload goods
Explanation: Parking on a road with double white lines is prohibited except to pick up or set down passengers, or to load or unload goods.
A No
B Yes, for a short duration
C Yes, if it's not in use
D Yes, outside peak hours
Correct Answer: A No
Explanation: Stopping or parking in a cycle track is not allowed, ensuring the safety and free movement of cyclists.
A Only stop in an emergency
B Park in the nearest lay-by for a quick stop
C Stop on the hard shoulder for a break
D Use the central reservation
Correct Answer: A Only stop in an emergency
Explanation: On a motorway, stopping or parking is only permissible in an emergency, ensuring the safety of all motorway users.
A No, during its period of operation
B Yes, for loading or unloading only
C Yes, if no trams or cycles are present
D Yes, outside of its hours of operation
Correct Answer: A No, during its period of operation
Explanation: Parking in a tram or cycle lane during its period of operation is not allowed to ensure these lanes are kept clear for their intended users.