Rule 207 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 207. There are 6 questions in this test. You need to answer 5 out of 6 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A Children, older pedestrians, and people with disabilities
B Only children
C Only elderly individuals
D Only pedestrians with disabilities
Correct Answer: A Children, older pedestrians, and people with disabilities
Explanation: Vulnerable pedestrians include children, older people, and those with disabilities due to varied abilities.
A Minor injuries are likely
B Only serious injuries will occur
C Pedestrian will likely survive
D The pedestrian will probably be killed
Correct Answer: D The pedestrian will probably be killed
Explanation: At 40 mph, there's a high likelihood of a pedestrian being killed, hence the need for reduced speed.
A Be patient and allow them to cross at their own pace
B Encourage them to cross quickly
C Rev the engine
D Sound the horn as a warning
Correct Answer: A Be patient and allow them to cross at their own pace
Explanation: Older pedestrians may need more time to cross the road, requiring drivers to be patient and considerate.
A They always use guide dogs
B They can hear well with hearing aids
C They may not be aware of the vehicle approaching
D They will take longer to cross
Correct Answer: C They may not be aware of the vehicle approaching
Explanation: Pedestrians with hearing impairments might not notice approaching vehicles, demanding extra caution.
A Carrying a red cane
B Moving slowly
C They may be carrying a white cane or using a guide dog
D Wearing sunglasses
Correct Answer: C They may be carrying a white cane or using a guide dog
Explanation: Blind or partially sighted pedestrians often use a white cane or a guide dog as a mobility aid.
A They always have a carer with them
B They may carry a white cane with a red band or use a special dog harness
C They use a standard white cane
D They will be wearing a hearing aid
Correct Answer: B They may carry a white cane with a red band or use a special dog harness
Explanation: Deafblind pedestrians might use a white cane with a red band or a dog with a red and white harness.