Rule 227 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 227. There are 5 questions in this test. You need to answer 4 out of 5 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A They at least double
B They decrease
C They remain the same
D They triple
Correct Answer: A They at least double
Explanation: In wet weather, stopping distances at least double due to reduced tyre grip on the road.
A Apply the brakes firmly
B Ease off the accelerator and slow down gradually
C Increase your speed
D Steer more forcefully
Correct Answer: B Ease off the accelerator and slow down gradually
Explanation: If steering becomes unresponsive due to wet conditions, easing off the accelerator and slowing down gradually is the recommended action.
A To avoid water spray
B To increase your ability to see and plan ahead
C To prevent aquaplaning
D To save fuel
Correct Answer: B To increase your ability to see and plan ahead
Explanation: Keeping a greater distance from the vehicle in front in wet weather increases visibility and time to react, enhancing safety.
A Dangers of spilt diesel making the surface slippery
B Increased risk of sun glare
C More potholes appearing
D Road markings becoming invisible
Correct Answer: A Dangers of spilt diesel making the surface slippery
Explanation: Wet weather can make spilt diesel on roads particularly slippery, posing an additional hazard to motorists.
A Difficulty to see and be seen due to rain and spray
B They are more likely to wear dark clothing
C They may be distracted by the rain
D They move unpredictably in wet weather
Correct Answer: A Difficulty to see and be seen due to rain and spray
Explanation: Rain and spray from vehicles can impair visibility, making it harder to see and be seen, requiring extra caution around pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users.