Rule 1 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 1. There are 5 questions in this test. You need to answer 4 out of 5 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A Bicycle lanes
B Pavements and footways
C Pedestrian crossings
D Roads and highways
Correct Answer: B Pavements and footways
Explanation: Highway Code Rule 1 advises the use of pavements and footways, if available, for pedestrian safety.
A Look both ways
B Signal with your hand
C Step quickly
D Wait for a vehicle
Correct Answer: A Look both ways
Explanation: It is vital to look both ways before stepping into the road to ensure safety by being aware of approaching traffic.
A At the edge of the road
B In the middle of the pavement
C Near pedestrian crossings
D Next to the kerb with back to traffic
Correct Answer: D Next to the kerb with back to traffic
Explanation: Highway Code Rule 1 suggests avoiding being next to the kerb with your back to traffic for better awareness and safety.
A The time of day
B Traffic signals
C Weather conditions
D Your environment
Correct Answer: D Your environment
Explanation: The rule emphasizes always remaining aware of your environment to stay alert to potential hazards and changes.
A Confidence and assertiveness
B Due care and consideration for others
C Patience and tolerance
D Speed and efficiency
Correct Answer: B Due care and consideration for others
Explanation: The rule advises always showing due care and consideration for others, highlighting the importance of respectful and safe behavior.