Rule 267 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 267. There are 5 questions in this test. You need to answer 4 out of 5 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A At night
B If safe and legal
C In slow-moving traffic
D On narrow roads
Correct Answer: B If safe and legal
Explanation: Overtaking should only be done when it is safe and legal, as per Highway Code Rule 267.
A Any side, if clear
B Directly behind
C On the left
D On the right
Correct Answer: D On the right
Explanation: According to UK Highway Code, overtaking should be done on the right side of the vehicle being overtaken.
A Fuel level
B Mirrors and blind spot
C Time of day
D Vehicle speed
Correct Answer: B Mirrors and blind spot
Explanation: It's essential to check mirrors and the blind spot to ensure safety before overtaking.
A No need to signal
B Signal in plenty of time
C Signal just before overtaking
D Use hazard lights
Correct Answer: B Signal in plenty of time
Explanation: Signalling in plenty of time is crucial before overtaking to alert other road users.
A Pedestrians crossing
B Roadworks
C Speed and distance judgment
D Wildlife on the road
Correct Answer: C Speed and distance judgment
Explanation: At night and in poor visibility, it's harder to judge speed and distance, requiring extra caution.