Rule 208 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 208. There are 4 questions in this test. You need to answer 3 out of 4 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A Drive slowly and be aware of young cyclists and pedestrians
B Maintain regular speed
C Only slow down if children are visible
D Speed up to clear the area quickly
Correct Answer: A Drive slowly and be aware of young cyclists and pedestrians
Explanation: Near schools, it's important to drive slowly and watch for young pedestrians and cyclists who may be less aware of traffic.
A A school event is happening
B Children may be crossing the road ahead
C Road works ahead
D School is currently in session
Correct Answer: B Children may be crossing the road ahead
Explanation: A flashing amber signal below a 'School' sign warns drivers of the potential presence of children crossing the road.
A As quickly as possible to reduce traffic
B At the usual speed limit
C Only slow down if you see children
D Very slowly until clear of the area
Correct Answer: D Very slowly until clear of the area
Explanation: When encountering a flashing amber signal near a school, drivers should proceed very slowly until they are clear of the area.
A Roads are usually narrower near schools
B Speed limits are always lower
C There are more vehicles
D Young cyclists and pedestrians may be present
Correct Answer: D Young cyclists and pedestrians may be present
Explanation: The presence of young pedestrians and cyclists near schools necessitates extra caution and slower driving speeds.