Rule 244 Test

These questions are based on Highway Code Rule 244. There are 2 questions in this test. You need to answer 2 out of 2 to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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A In London, both partially or wholly
B Only during peak hours
C Only in pedestrian areas
D Only on single yellow lines
Correct Answer: A In London, both partially or wholly
Explanation: Parking on the pavement, whether partially or wholly, is prohibited in London to prevent obstruction and inconvenience to pedestrians and others.
A It can damage the pavement
B It can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, wheelchair users, and others
C It takes up too much space
D It's difficult for drivers to see the kerb
Correct Answer: B It can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, wheelchair users, and others
Explanation: Parking on the pavement should be avoided as it can cause serious inconvenience to pedestrians, including those with visual impairments and wheelchair users.