LGV Theory Test Questions

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What benefit is expected to come from having a Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) qualification?
What can be expected after drivers complete a Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC)?
What can cab-mounted wind deflectors reduce?
What can cause unnecessary pollution to the environment?
What can coasting downhill seriously affect?
What can happen to drivers who break EU tachograph regulations?
What can help to maximise fuel economy?
What can help to reduce fuel consumption?
What can prevent you from holding a bus or lorry driving licence?
What can result from overloading an axle?
What can seriously affect your concentration while driving?
What can you add to diesel fuel to prevent it from becoming less effective at low temperatures?
What can you do to help maintain concentration while you’re driving?
What causes ‘brake fade’?
What colour are the markings on the rear of lorries over 7.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass?
What colour follows the green signal at a puffin crossing?
What colour is the auxiliary line on a three-line braking system?
What component fitted to your vehicle will help following drivers in wet weather?
What condition could prevent you from holding a lorry or bus licence?
What could be the result of overloading an axle while loading a lorry?
What could happen if there isn’t enough oil in your engine?
What could happen if you drive a double-deck lorry with the top deck loaded and the lower deck empty?
What could happen if you overfill your engine with oil?
What could happen if you overfill your engine with oil?
What could prevent air pressure from building up in an air-brake system in frosty weather?
What danger should you be most aware of if you’re driving close to the kerb in a busy shopping area?
What do bells hanging across the road warn drivers of?
What do heated fuel lines prevent?
What do the codes shown on the side walls of bus and lorry tyres refer to?
What do the legs on a demountable body enable you to do?
What do yellow zigzag lines on the road outside a school mean?
What do you need to be aware of when driving a vehicle fitted with power-assisted steering?
What do you need to be aware of when you drive over an exposed suspension bridge?
What do you need to be careful of when you’re driving in high winds?
What do you need to consider when transporting a high-value cargo of cigarettes?
What does a tachograph record?
What does air suspension help to protect?
What does ‘blind spot’ mean?
What does changing to a lower gear on a long downhill gradient help to avoid?
What does controlling goods vehicle drivers’ hours help to improve?
What does it indicate if you see white lights on a vehicle at night?
What does it mean if the ignition warning light comes on while you’re driving?
What does it mean when there are double red lines running along the edge of a road?
What does ‘road-friendly’ suspension help to reduce?
What does the flashing amber light mean at a pelican crossing?
What does this arm signal mean?
What does this marker count down to?
What does this motorway sign mean?
What does this motorway sign mean?
What does this motorway sign mean?