PCV Theory Test: Carrying Passengers

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A Keeping to a strict timetable
B The collecting of fares
C The issuing of tickets
D The safety and comfort of your passengers
Correct Answer: D The safety and comfort of your passengers
Explanation: Your passengers should be your first consideration. It's your responsibility to deliver them to their destination safely and on time. You should also treat passengers courteously at all times.
A By not speaking when taking fares
B By reaching destinations early
C By stopping close to the kerb
D By taking fares while moving, to save time
Correct Answer: C By stopping close to the kerb
Explanation: At bus stops, stop close to the kerb, where it's safe and convenient for your passengers to get on and off. Accelerating as you move off can easily unsteady a passenger. Try to wait until all passengers are seated or settled before moving off.
A To improve fuel consumption
B To improve passenger comfort
C To reduce wear on the engine
D To reduce wear on the tyres
Correct Answer: B To improve passenger comfort
Explanation: Operators often publicise journeys as being comfortable, convenient and fast. You play an important part in delivering this standard of service.
A Plan ahead and take early action on all stops
B Pump the brakes when approaching a bus stop
C Use only the gears to slow down
D Use the parking brake just before stopping
Correct Answer: A Plan ahead and take early action on all stops
Explanation: Your first duty is to your paying customers, who want to reach their destination comfortably and safely. Harsh braking can cause your passengers to be thrown forward on the bus, so avoid this by looking and planning well ahead. Give yourself plenty of time to react to traffic situations.
A To the front of the bus
B To the nearside
C To the offside
D To the rear of the bus
Correct Answer: A To the front of the bus
Explanation: When approaching hazards or bus stops, you should always be aware of how your passengers will be affected by the change in speed. Late, harsh braking as passengers leave their seats can take them by surprise and cause them to fall towards the front of the bus, possibly injuring themselves or others. Wherever possible, avoid harsh braking by planning ahead, giving yourself time to reduce speed smoothly.
A Gently apply the parking brake
B Plan ahead and take early action
C Pump the brake pedal several times
D Slow down by using your gears only
Correct Answer: B Plan ahead and take early action
Explanation: Always look well ahead. Early planning and anticipation will help you avoid the need to brake harshly. It's important that you give your passengers a smooth journey, especially if any of them are having to stand.
A When the vehicle is cornering
B When the vehicle is overtaking
C When the vehicle is parking
D When the vehicle is reversing
Correct Answer: A When the vehicle is cornering
Explanation: A smooth ride at all times isn't always easy to achieve. However, scanning ahead for hazards will help you avoid late braking and cornering too fast.
A Accelerate to make sure you can cross before they change
B Accelerate, but warn your passengers you may have to stop
C Carry on at a constant speed, but be ready to sound your horn
D Slow down to avoid the need to stop suddenly
Correct Answer: D Slow down to avoid the need to stop suddenly
Explanation: If you're approaching a set of traffic lights and you can see they've been on green for a while, be prepared for them to change. Ease off the accelerator and be ready to come to a gradual stop if you need to. Don't try to beat the red light; it may change as you come closer, causing you to brake late and harshly. Think of your passengers.
A To avoid wear on the brakes
B To keep the passengers safe
C To preserve the tyres
D To stop the suspension bouncing
Correct Answer: B To keep the passengers safe
Explanation: Passengers are very vulnerable when they're standing in a moving vehicle. Inconsiderate use of the footbrake can easily cause them injury - especially if they're young or infirm. Some passengers may not wait until you've stopped before leaving their seat. If you seem to be in a hurry, they may even leave their seat early because they don't want to feel responsible for holding you up.
A Towards the front of the bus
B Towards the inside of the bend
C Towards the outside of the bend
D Towards the rear of the bus
Correct Answer: C Towards the outside of the bend
Explanation: Turning corners or travelling around bends too quickly will push passengers towards the outside of the bend. In addition, the weight of the passengers being transferred to one side of the vehicle will make the bus even more unstable. This will make steering out of the bend more difficult.
A Braking hard before reaching a bend
B Driving with the door open
C Giving change on the move
D Thinking and planning well ahead
Correct Answer: D Thinking and planning well ahead
Explanation: Thinking and planning well ahead will help you to deal competently and safely with hazards and other road users. A safe, comfortable ride, even when you're under pressure, will be appreciated by your passengers.
A Passengers asking you directions
B Passengers getting off the bus
C Passengers making phone calls
D Passengers smoking on the bus
Correct Answer: B Passengers getting off the bus
Explanation: Check your nearside external and internal mirrors before you move away, in case anyone is attempting to board or leave your vehicle. Always give passengers time to be seated safely before you move away.
A At all times
B During journeys of more than 20 minutes
C Only when travelling in EU countries
D Only when travelling on motorways
Correct Answer: A At all times
Explanation: As the driver of a bus, you may be responsible for several passengers at any given time. If a situation occurs where you have to brake or steer harshly, your passengers could be thrown about the vehicle. In these circumstances, there's a significant risk of injury from fittings on board, such as luggage racks, handrails and poles. If seat belts are provided for passengers, they should wear them.
A A current timetable
B A fire extinguisher
C A mobile phone or radio
D A working tachograph
Correct Answer: B A fire extinguisher
Explanation: Every bus must carry a fire extinguisher. Make sure that you know where it's located and how to use it, so that you're fully prepared in the event of a fire.
A The location of the air vents
B The location of the bus station
C The location of the first-aid equipment
D The location of the security cameras
Correct Answer: C The location of the first-aid equipment
Explanation: It's essential to know the location of first-aid equipment, the fuel cut-off device and the fire extinguisher on every bus that you drive. Take time to familiarise yourself with their location whenever you drive a different vehicle. When you take your PCV test, you'll be asked questions on safety.
A They have a learning difficulty
B They have a physical disability
C They have a speech problem
D They have poor vision and hearing
Correct Answer: D They have poor vision and hearing
Explanation: A person carrying a white stick or a long white cane may be visually impaired. If the stick has a red ring or red-and-white checks painted on it, they also have impaired hearing. Be prepared to help if they appear to need it, or if they ask for assistance.
A Be courteous and polite
B Drive on before people are seated
C Keep to the timetable regardless of comfort
D Look ahead when issuing tickets
Correct Answer: A Be courteous and polite
Explanation: Nobody likes to be late, but you shouldn't let the pressure of your timetable make you feel you have to rush people. Being pleasant to your passengers and showing them some common courtesies will encourage them to use your service again.
A To be courteous and polite
B To remove the threat of violence
C To see if they're carrying bags
D To show them you're in charge
Correct Answer: A To be courteous and polite
Explanation: You're a representative of your company, so showing passengers that their custom is appreciated will encourage them to travel with you again.
A Ask another passenger to help them
B Hurry to get them to their seats
C Look at them when speaking to them
D Shout as loudly as you can
Correct Answer: C Look at them when speaking to them
Explanation: Passengers who are hard of hearing may want to lip read. Make sure that they're able to see your face clearly when you speak to them.
A To allow the step height to be raised and lowered
B To give more clearance over speed ramps
C To help with access under low bridges
D To improve passenger comfort on bumpy roads
Correct Answer: A To allow the step height to be raised and lowered
Explanation: A kneeling bus uses air suspension to lower the front entrance, giving easier access for passengers. This is especially helpful for people who have difficulty climbing steps, are disabled or use wheelchairs. Make sure you're properly trained to use this equipment.
A Children must be accompanied by an adult
B The bus is carrying blind people
C The bus may be carrying children
D The driver will help disabled people
Correct Answer: C The bus may be carrying children
Explanation: If you're carrying children on your vehicle and it isn't on a scheduled route used by the general public, the bus must display this sign to the front and rear. When carrying children to and from school, it's likely that you'll have to make several stops in places other than recognised bus stops. Think carefully before you stop. Don't cause unnecessary inconvenience to other road users.
A When approaching a school crossing patrol
B When children are getting on or off the vehicle
C When stopped at a pedestrian crossing
D When there's a sign warning of a school ahead
Correct Answer: B When children are getting on or off the vehicle
Explanation: You may be driving in the rush hour, when traffic is heavy, so when you stop you're permitted to show your hazard warning lights. This will tell other road users that children are getting on and off the bus. Look out for passing traffic and make sure that all your passengers get on and off safely.
A To help you see clearly out of the back window
B To keep the bus stable
C To keep them informed about the breakdown
D To limit injuries in the event of a rear-end collision
Correct Answer: D To limit injuries in the event of a rear-end collision
Explanation: Passenger safety should be your priority. You should take every precaution to ensure they're out of danger.
A Close the curtains
B Keep the interior lit
C Stop more often
D Switch off the radio
Correct Answer: B Keep the interior lit
Explanation: Passengers should be able to move about the vehicle in safety. You should make sure that all interior lights are in working order before you start your journey.
A Get all the passengers off the bus
B Make sure passengers have their belongings
C Move all the passengers to the lower deck
D Open all the windows on the upper deck
Correct Answer: A Get all the passengers off the bus
Explanation: Fire can spread extremely quickly. Your priority is the safety of your passengers: you must get them off the bus straight away. If at all possible, disconnect electrical lines and cut off the fuel supply. Fire can destroy a vehicle very quickly.
A Access for maintenance
B Access for passengers
C Access for the driver
D Access to the luggage bay
Correct Answer: B Access for passengers
Explanation: Some buses are equipped with air or hydraulic systems that allow the step level to be lowered. These are known as kneeling buses and have been designed to allow people to board more easily. Don't forget to raise the step again before moving off.
A It will help passengers to see outside
B It will help you see the road ahead
C So that passengers can see to move around
D So that you can see your controls
Correct Answer: C So that passengers can see to move around
Explanation: Passengers need a properly lit area so they can move around safely.
A Those attempting to board the bus
B Those avoiding paying the correct fare
C Those smoking in the lower saloon
D Those standing in the upper saloon
Correct Answer: A Those attempting to board the bus
Explanation: Always check your nearside mirror before moving away. A passenger may be attempting to open the door to board the bus, or running to jump aboard an open platform. Also check for passengers trying to get off the bus as you move away.
A Drive quickly, so that the passenger has a shorter journey
B Make sure the passenger has a window seat
C Suggest that the passenger stands near the door
D Wait until the passenger has sat down before moving away
Correct Answer: D Wait until the passenger has sat down before moving away
Explanation: Try to wait until your passengers have sat down before you move off. This is even more important if they're elderly or have difficulty walking. Offer help when you think it might be needed - and remember, a smile goes a long way.
A When children are boarding the bus
B When parked to take a rest period
C When slowing down to approach a bus stop
D When slowing down to find a parking space
Correct Answer: A When children are boarding the bus
Explanation: Buses carrying schoolchildren must display a distinctive yellow reflective sign on the front and rear, unless they're running a scheduled service for the general public. Buses displaying the sign are permitted to use hazard warning lights when they've stopped for schoolchildren to get on or off.
A Ask the passengers to take all of their belongings
B Ensure the storage lockers are left open
C Leave a responsible person on the coach
D Park with the gear lever in neutral
Correct Answer: C Leave a responsible person on the coach
Explanation: If passengers have access to your coach, it must never be left unattended. In particular, they mustn't be able to get into the cab area of the vehicle. You or another responsible person must always be there to supervise the coach.
Correct Answer: A Lampposts
Explanation: When driving high-sided vehicles, such as double-deck buses, changes in the road camber can affect your vehicle. As the bus leans towards the kerb, there's a risk that shop awnings, trees and street furniture, such as lampposts, could strike the top deck.
Correct Answer: D 5 tonnes
Explanation: Your vehicle will handle very differently when it's full, compared with when it's empty. Having 75 passengers on board would increase the weight of the bus by about 5 tonnes - and the passengers may also have luggage. It will take longer to build up speed and the vehicle will be more difficult to stop. Forward planning and controlled braking will be required to allow for this extra weight.
Correct Answer: B 15
Explanation: You should also make allowances for any luggage your passengers may bring on board. An average of two cases per passenger on a 50-seat coach will add about 1.5 tonnes to the overall weight of your bus or coach.
A 'No overtaking' signs
B Flashing amber beacons
C School-bus signs
D Triangular warning signs
Correct Answer: C School-bus signs
Explanation: Vehicles carrying schoolchildren display the 'school bus' sign to alert other drivers to the danger of children crossing the road. As the bus driver, you must make every effort to ensure the children's safety when boarding or getting off your bus, as well as during their journey with you.
A Avoid heavy revving of the engine when stationary
B Have the emissions checked at the next vehicle inspection
C Report it as soon as you return to the depot
D Stop and have the fault put right
Correct Answer: D Stop and have the fault put right
Explanation: If exhaust fumes are getting into the vehicle, this could be a danger to your passengers. Stop as soon as it's safe to do so and have the fault put right before continuing.
A A smooth road surface
B Keep left' islands
C Overhanging trees
D Pedestrian crossings
Correct Answer: C Overhanging trees
Explanation: A road that has a steep camber will slope sharply towards the kerb, causing your bus to lean towards the pavement or verge. This brings a risk of collision with objects such as overhanging trees, lampposts and bus-stop roofs.
A Helping passengers who need directions
B Making criticisms of other road users
C Providing a commentary on the route
D Talking to passengers while driving
Correct Answer: A Helping passengers who need directions
Explanation: Always show consideration to passengers, whether they have special needs or not. Try to imagine what assistance you would like if you were in their position.
A Accompanying nurses
B Bus-company employees
C Fully trained people
D Wheelchair attendants
Correct Answer: C Fully trained people
Explanation: Make sure that you're fully trained in the safe use of lifts, ramps and securing devices. If you drive a vehicle fitted with this equipment, never let untrained people operate it.
A Access for the disabled
B Access for the driver
C Passenger comfort at higher speeds
D Stability when cornering
Correct Answer: A Access for the disabled
Explanation: Kneeling buses are equipped with air or hydraulic systems that allow the vehicle body to be lowered. This improves access for disabled and elderly passengers. Remember to return the mechanism to its travelling position before moving off.
A The front of the bus
B The lower deck
C The rear of the bus
D The top deck
Correct Answer: A The front of the bus
Explanation: The greatest risk to a stationary bus is being hit from behind. Moving your passengers forward could reduce the risk of injury if such a collision occurred.
A Passengers leaving the bus
B Passengers smoking in the lower saloon
C Passengers using expired travel passes
D Passengers who avoid paying the correct fare
Correct Answer: A Passengers leaving the bus
Explanation: Even though you've started to drive away, passengers may still try to get off the bus. You should also check your nearside mirror for any passengers trying to get on as you're moving away.
A Ensure your fuel tank is above a quarter full
B Finish issuing tickets to passengers
C Make sure all passengers have a seat
D Take off your sunglasses
Correct Answer: B Finish issuing tickets to passengers
Explanation: On regular services, traffic congestion can soon put you behind schedule. Nevertheless, you have a responsibility to your passengers at all times not to take shortcuts or jeopardise their safety; for example, by driving off while you're still issuing tickets.
A Move passengers to the front of the bus
B Move passengers to the middle of the bus
C Move passengers to the rear of the bus
D Tell passengers to stay in the same seats
Correct Answer: A Move passengers to the front of the bus
Explanation: Stop as far to the left as possible on the hard shoulder. Make sure all your passengers have moved as far as possible to the front of the vehicle; this will reduce the risk of injury if a passing vehicle runs into the back of the bus. Use an emergency telephone to call for assistance.
A Completing tachograph records correctly
B Keeping to the timetable
C Making sure the destination is clearly marked
D The safety and comfort of passengers
Correct Answer: D The safety and comfort of passengers
Explanation: Bus drivers have responsibilities beyond those of other drivers. Your passengers have paid for a service, and they should arrive at their chosen destination safely. Customers are more likely to travel with you again if they receive a safe, courteous and comfortable service.
A Make sure you've cancelled any signal
B Signal left, to let others know you're not ready to move off
C Signal right, so you're ready to move off
D Turn on your hazard warning lights
Correct Answer: A Make sure you've cancelled any signal
Explanation: Giving wrong signals causes uncertainty and confusion to other road users. Only give signals that are relevant and timed to match your actions.
A By counting passengers up and down the staircase
B By frequent checks upstairs while stopped at bus stops
C By listening to passengers in the upstairs gangway when approaching bus stops
D By making full use of the internal mirror system
Correct Answer: D By making full use of the internal mirror system
Explanation: If you're driving a one-person-operated double-deck bus, you must make sure that you use your internal mirrors. You need to be able to see passengers who are about to descend the stairs. Consider their safety and avoid harsh braking and steering.
A No-one under 18 years old may use the stairs
B Passengers using the stairs could fall if the bus brakes or swerves
C The upper deck is only to be used when the lower deck is full
D Tickets for the upper deck are more expensive
Correct Answer: B Passengers using the stairs could fall if the bus brakes or swerves
Explanation: You must always be aware of anyone using the stairs. Be particularly careful to avoid any sudden movement, such as when braking or cornering, as this could cause passengers to stumble.
A After the bus stop
B Away from the kerb
C Before the bus stop
D Close to the kerb
Correct Answer: D Close to the kerb
Explanation: If passengers aren't waiting at the bus stop, it can be tempting to stop near where they're standing. This may not be a safe place for your vehicle or for other road users. Be professional and be safe; stop in the correct position.
A Alongside guard rails
B Close to the kerb
C Near parked cars
D Next to soft grass
Correct Answer: B Close to the kerb
Explanation: You should stop as close to the kerb as you can, so that passengers can reach the safety of the pavement without any difficulty.
A Carry on to the next bus stop
B Check for traffic on the left
C Check for traffic on the right
D Try to get the bus stop cleared
Correct Answer: B Check for traffic on the left
Explanation: Make sure that you allow your passengers to get on or off the vehicle safely. If you're unable to stop close to the kerb, don't open the doors until you're sure it's safe. You must take care of your passengers at all times.
A Check it's clear of traffic on the left
B Check it's clear of traffic on the right
C Move on to the next bus stop
D Try to find the car owners
Correct Answer: A Check it's clear of traffic on the left
Explanation: Always check your nearside mirror before opening the door to allow passengers to alight. When you've stopped away from the kerb, it's important to warn the passengers to look out for cyclists and to expect a long step down onto the road. Be ready to offer help if they need it.
A Activate an audible warning system
B Ask if they have luggage to collect
C Check mirrors before opening doors
D Collect their used tickets
Correct Answer: C Check mirrors before opening doors
Explanation: Passenger safety is your main responsibility. Before you allow them to step down from the bus, you should always check your mirrors to make sure there's nothing approaching that could endanger them.
A Insist that passengers stay seated until the bus stops
B Keep the passenger doors closed until the bus has stopped
C Let passengers on to the bus before letting passengers off
D Stop just before the bus stop and let passengers get off
Correct Answer: B Keep the passenger doors closed until the bus has stopped
Explanation: Passengers may have left their seats early and may be standing up, waiting to get off. Don't brake harshly or open the doors until the vehicle has stopped.
A When most passengers want the lights off
B When the passengers want to sleep
C When there are no passengers
D When there are no standing passengers
Correct Answer: C When there are no passengers
Explanation: Whenever passengers are on board, the interior lighting must be left on. It may be turned off when the bus is empty.
A No, this isn't allowed
B No, unless all passengers are seated
C Yes, this is normal practice
D Yes, unless carrying schoolchildren
Correct Answer: A No, this isn't allowed
Explanation: Under no circumstances should you drive with your passenger door open. An open door invites people to make rash decisions to enter or leave the vehicle as you're about to move away; this can be extremely dangerous.
A Fuel consumption will be reduced
B It will allow you to drive faster
C Passenger comfort will be increased
D Your brakes will be more effective
Correct Answer: C Passenger comfort will be increased
Explanation: Air suspension will increase passenger comfort and can also help to reduce wear on road surfaces - which is why it's also known as 'road-friendly suspension'.
A Ask them politely to hurry up
B Be prepared to move off
C Do nothing; you can't leave your seat
D Smile and offer to help them
Correct Answer: D Smile and offer to help them
Explanation: Disabled people like to keep their independence. However, if they're having problems, be prepared to offer help.
A During a coach tour
B During long motorway journeys
C When it can't be seen by the driver
D When the coach is moving slowly
Correct Answer: C When it can't be seen by the driver
Explanation: To prevent drivers from becoming distracted, TV or video equipment must be out of their sight. While passengers are being entertained, they can be sure the driver is concentrating on delivering them safely to their destination.
A Automatic transmission
B Internal mirror
C Priority seating
D Radio telephone
Correct Answer: C Priority seating
Explanation: All new buses and coaches must be easily accessible for disabled passengers. They must have ramps, priority seating and colour-contrasted fittings.
A Those who get on first
B Those with a weekly pass
C Those with disabilities
D Those with heavy luggage
Correct Answer: C Those with disabilities
Explanation: Since 2000, all new buses and coaches must be accessible to people with disabilities. These vehicles must have ramps, priority seating and colour-contrasted handrails and steps.
A When the boarding device has failed to work
B When the heater on the vehicle isn't working
C When the passenger must remain in a wheelchair
D When the wheelchair won't fit in the luggage rack
Correct Answer: A When the boarding device has failed to work
Explanation: It's unfortunate, but machinery will sometimes break down despite the best efforts to service it. Don't risk the health and safety of a person with a disability, or other passengers, by struggling to get them on without the proper equipment.
A When the designated space is occupied
B When traffic behind you will be held up
C When you're running behind schedule
D When you're shortly due to take a break
Correct Answer: A When the designated space is occupied
Explanation: It's illegal for bus and coach operators to discriminate against people with disabilities. You must always make reasonable adjustments to the way that any service is provided. This means that you must allow wheelchair users access to the designated space - unless it's already been taken by another wheelchair user.
A In a medical emergency
B To prevent fare dodging
C When carrying luggage
D When fastening seat belts
Correct Answer: A In a medical emergency
Explanation: All physical contact with children should be avoided except in specific circumstances such as genuine self-defence, a medical emergency, or to prevent a serious offence or threat to anyone's safety.
A Ear protectors
B Face mask
C High-visibility vest
D Protective goggles
Correct Answer: C High-visibility vest
Explanation: You should make yourself clearly visible when you're working outside your vehicle and close to moving traffic.
Correct Answer: A The boarding device
Explanation: It's a legal requirement that you should make reasonable adjustments to provide for people with disabilities. You should make sure that any ramp or lift is in place and in good working order before leaving the depot.
A When the heater has stopped working
B When the lift has stopped working
C When the wheelchair is too heavy to lift manually
D When the wheelchair won't fold up
Correct Answer: B When the lift has stopped working
Explanation: You won't have failed in your statutory duties if the boarding device breaks down and there's no other means of assisting the passenger.
A Passengers are standing in a wheelchair space and can't move elsewhere
B The wheelchair passenger will have to stand up
C You can't collapse the wheelchair
D You'll take time to load the wheelchair and fall behind schedule
Correct Answer: A Passengers are standing in a wheelchair space and can't move elsewhere
Explanation: If a wheelchair space is occupied by standing passengers and luggage, you might not be able to allow a wheelchair user on the bus. This may occur on a bus that's almost full to capacity. You won't have failed in your statutory duties towards the wheelchair user.
A Ask them to hold on tight
B Move off but drive more slowly
C Put the chain across the platform
D Wait until they're inside the bus
Correct Answer: D Wait until they're inside the bus
Explanation: A bus driver must never allow their passengers to ride on an open platform. Anyone standing on an open platform is at risk should the driver have to brake harshly, swerve or suddenly change direction.