Driving Theory Test Questions (2018-2020)

Below is the previous database of official DVSA driving theory test revision questions. These questions are similar to the ones in the latest database, although some questions have since been removed and others reworded.

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777 Questions

Image Question Topic
When must you contact the vehicle licensing authority?
When must you notify the licensing authority?
When must you stop your vehicle?
When must you use dipped headlights during the day?
When mustn’t you sound your vehicle’s horn?
When mustn’t you stop on a clearway?
When should you especially check the engine oil level?
When should you flash your headlights at other road users?
When should you use hazard warning lights?
When should you use hazard warning lights?
When traffic lights are out of order, who has priority?
When will anti-lock brakes take effect?
When will you feel the effects of engine braking?
When will your vehicle use more fuel?
When you see a hazard ahead, you should use the mirrors. Why is this?
When you use the brakes, your vehicle pulls to one side. What should you do?
When you’re overtaking a cyclist, you should leave as much room as you would give to a car. What’s the main reason for this?
Where are you most likely to be affected by side winds?
Where can you find reflective amber studs on a motorway?
Where does this marking normally appear on a road?
Where may you overtake on a one-way street?
Where on a motorway would you find green reflective studs?
Where should you never overtake a cyclist?
Where should you take particular care to look for motorcyclists and cyclists?
Where shouldn’t you overtake?
Where shouldn’t you park?
Where will you see these red and white markers?
Where would parking your vehicle cause an obstruction?
Where would you expect to see these markers?
Where would you find these road markings?
Where would you see a contraflow bus and cycle lane?
Where would you see these road markings?
Where would you see this road marking?
Where would you see this sign?
Where would you see this sign?
Where’s the safest place to park your vehicle at night?
Which arm signal tells you that the car you’re following is going to pull up?
Which driving technique can help you save fuel?
Which instrument-panel warning light would show that headlights are on full beam?
Which is the most vulnerable road user at road junctions?
Which is the sign for a ring road?
Which of the following may help to deter a thief from stealing your car?
Which of the following should you do before stopping?
Which of the following shouldn’t be kept in your vehicle?
Which of the following types of glasses shouldn’t be worn when driving at night?
Which of these, if allowed to get low, could cause you to crash?
Which of these is a hazard warning line?
Which of these is least likely to be affected by side winds?
Which of these is needed before you can legally use a vehicle on the road?
Which of these isn’t allowed to travel in the right-hand lane of a three-lane motorway?