Driving Theory Test Questions (2018-2020)

Below is the previous database of official DVSA driving theory test revision questions. These questions are similar to the ones in the latest database, although some questions have since been removed and others reworded.

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777 Questions

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It’s important to wear suitable shoes when you’re driving. Why is this?
It’s very windy. You’re behind a motorcyclist who’s overtaking a high-sided vehicle. What should you do?
On a motorway, what’s an emergency refuge area used for?
On a motorway, when should the hard shoulder be used?
On a road where trams operate, which of these vehicles will be most at risk from the tram rails?
On a three-lane dual carriageway, what can the right-hand lane be used for?
On a three-lane motorway, what does this sign mean?
On a three-lane motorway, which lane should you normally use?
On a vehicle, where would you find a catalytic converter?
On what type of road surface may anti-lock brakes not work effectively?
On which occasion may you enter a box junction?
On which occasion should you inflate your tyres to more than their normal pressure?
On which part of a motorway are amber reflective studs found?
Other drivers may sometimes flash their headlights at you. In which situation are they allowed to do this?
Other than direction indicators, how can you give signals to other road users?
Over what distance are you allowed to reverse?
Overall stopping distance is made up of thinking distance and braking distance. You’re on a good, dry road surface, with good brakes and tyres. What’s the typical braking distance from 50 mph?
Powered vehicles used by disabled people are small and hard to see. How do they give early warning when on a dual carriageway?
Some junctions controlled by traffic lights have a marked area between two stop lines. What’s this for?
Some two-way roads are divided into three lanes. Why are these particularly dangerous?
The conditions are good and dry. When should you use the ‘two-second rule’?
The driver of the car in front is giving this arm signal. What does it mean?
The dual carriageway you’re turning right onto has a very narrow central reservation. What should you do?
The fluid level in your battery is low. What should you top it up with?
The left-hand pavement is closed due to street repairs. What should you do?
The Pass Plus scheme has been created for new drivers. What’s its main purpose?
The red lights are flashing. What should you do when approaching this level crossing?
The road is wet. Why might a motorcyclist steer round drain covers on a bend?
The road outside this school is marked with yellow zigzag lines. What do these lines mean?
There are flashing amber lights under a school warning sign. What action should you take?
There are no speed-limit signs on the road. How is a 30 mph limit indicated?
There’s a bus lane on your left. The signs show no times of operation. What does this mean?
There’s a tractor ahead. You want to overtake but you aren’t sure whether it’s safe. What should you do?
There’s been a collision. A driver is suffering from shock. What should you do?
There’s been a collision. A motorcyclist is lying injured and unconscious. Unless it’s essential, why should you not usually attempt to remove their helmet?
These flashing red lights mean that you must stop. Where would you find them?
To help keep your vehicle secure at night, where should you park?
Traffic officers operate on motorways and some primary routes in England. What are they authorised to do?
Traffic signs giving orders are generally which shape?
Turning the steering wheel while stationary can cause damage to which part of your car?
Unless signs show otherwise, what’s the national speed limit for a car or motorcycle on a motorway?
Up to how much more fuel will you use by driving at 70 mph, compared with driving at 50 mph?
What action would you take when elderly people are crossing the road?
What advice should you give to a driver who has had a few alcoholic drinks at a party?
What are triangular signs for?
What basic rule applies when you’re using a motorway?
What can a loose filler cap on your diesel fuel tank cause?
What can be badly affected when you overload your vehicle?
What can cause excessive or uneven tyre wear?
What can cause excessive or uneven tyre wear?