Driving Theory Test Questions (2018-2020)

Below is the previous database of official DVSA driving theory test revision questions. These questions are similar to the ones in the latest database, although some questions have since been removed and others reworded.

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777 Questions

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You’re on a good, dry road surface. Your brakes and tyres are good. What’s the typical overall stopping distance at 40 mph?
You’re on a long motorway journey. What should you do if you start to feel sleepy?
You’re on a motorway. A lorry has stopped in the right-hand lane. What should you do when you see this sign on the lorry?
You’re on a motorway. A red cross is displayed above the hard shoulder. What does this mean?
You’re on a motorway and there are red flashing lights above every lane. What must you do?
You’re on a motorway at night, with other vehicles just ahead of you. Which lights should you have on?
You’re on a motorway in fog. The left-hand edge of the motorway can be identified by reflective studs. What colour are they?
You’re on a motorway. Red flashing lights appear above your lane only. What should you do?
You’re on a motorway. There’s a contraflow system ahead. What would you expect to find?
You’re on a motorway. What colour are the reflective studs on the left of the carriageway?
You’re on a road that’s only wide enough for one vehicle. A car is coming towards you. What should you do?
You’re on a smart motorway. A mandatory speed limit is displayed above the hard shoulder. What does this mean?
You’re on a three-lane motorway. A red cross is showing above the hard shoulder and mandatory speed limits above all other lanes. What does this mean?
You’re on a three-lane motorway. There are red reflective studs on your left and white ones to your right. Which lane are you in?
You’re on a two-lane dual carriageway. Why would you use the right-hand lane?
You’re on a well-lit road at night, in a built-up area. How will using dipped headlights help?
You’re on the motorway. Luggage falls from your vehicle. What should you do?
You’re parked at the side of the road. You’ll be waiting some time for a passenger. What should you do?
You’re parked in a busy high street. What’s the safest way to turn your vehicle around so you can go the opposite way?
You’re parked on the road at night. Where must you use parking lights?
You’re planning a long journey. Do you need to plan rest stops?
You’re planning to tow a caravan. Which of these will be the biggest aid to the vehicle handling?
You’re reversing your vehicle into a side road. When would the greatest hazard to passing traffic occur?
You’re signalling to turn right in busy traffic. How would you confirm your intention safely?
You’re testing your suspension. You notice that your vehicle keeps bouncing when you press down on the front wing. What does this mean?
You’re the first person to arrive at an incident where people are badly injured. You’ve switched on your hazard warning lights and checked all engines are stopped. What else should you do?
You’re the first to arrive at the scene of a crash. What should you do?
You’re towing a caravan. Which is the safest type of rear-view mirror to use?
You’re towing a small trailer on a busy three-lane motorway. What must you do if all the lanes are open?
You’re towing a trailer along a three-lane motorway. When may you use the right-hand lane?
You’re towing a trailer on a motorway. What’s the speed limit for a car towing a trailer on this road?
You’re travelling along a motorway and feel tired. Where should you stop to rest?
You’re travelling along a motorway. When are you allowed to overtake on the left?
You’re travelling along a motorway. Where would you find a crawler or climbing lane?
You’re travelling along a street with parked vehicles on the left-hand side. Why should you keep your speed down?
You’re travelling along this narrow country road. How should you pass the cyclist?
You’re travelling at 50 mph on a good, dry road. What’s your typical overall stopping distance?
You’re travelling behind a bus that pulls up at a bus stop. What should you do?
You’re travelling behind a moped. What should you do when you want to turn left just ahead?
You’re travelling in the left-hand lane of a three-lane motorway. How should you react to traffic joining from a slip road?
You’re travelling in very heavy rain. How is this likely to affect your overall stopping distance?
You’re travelling on a motorway in England. You must stop when signalled to do so by which of these?
You’re travelling on a road that has speed humps. What should you do when the driver in front is travelling more slowly than you?
You’re turning left at a junction where pedestrians have started to cross. What should you do?
You’re turning left into a side road. What hazard should you be especially aware of?
You’re turning left on a slippery road. What should you do if the back of your vehicle slides to the right?
You’re turning right at a crossroads. An oncoming driver is also turning right. How should you normally deal with this?
You’re turning right onto a dual carriageway. What should you do before emerging?
You’re unsure what a slow-moving motorcyclist ahead of you is going to do. What should you do?
You’re using a contraflow system. What should you do?