Driving Theory Test Questions (2018-2020)

Below is the previous database of official DVSA driving theory test revision questions. These questions are similar to the ones in the latest database, although some questions have since been removed and others reworded.

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777 Questions

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You’re driving on a motorway. When can you use hazard warning lights?
You’re driving on a road that has a cycle lane. The lane is marked by a broken white line. What does this mean?
You’re driving on a road with several lanes. You see these signs above the lanes. What do they mean?
You’re driving on a well-lit motorway on a clear night. What must you do?
You’re driving on a wet motorway with surface spray. What lights should you use?
You’re driving on a wet road. You have to stop your vehicle in an emergency. What should you do?
You’re driving on an icy road. How can you avoid wheelspin?
You’re driving on an icy road. What distance from the car in front should you drive?
You’re driving on an open road in dry weather. What should the distance be between you and the vehicle in front?
You’re driving on the motorway in windy conditions. What should you do as you pass a high-sided vehicle?
You’re driving on the motorway. Well before you reach your intended exit, where should you position your vehicle?
You’re driving on this dual carriageway. Why may you need to slow down?
You’re driving over a level crossing. The warning lights come on and a bell rings. What should you do?
You’re driving past a line of parked cars. You notice a ball bouncing out into the road ahead. What should you do?
You’re driving past parked cars. You notice a bicycle wheel sticking out between them. What should you do?
You’re driving through a tunnel and the traffic is flowing normally. What should you do?
You’re driving towards a zebra crossing. A person in a wheelchair is waiting to cross. What should you do?
You’re driving towards this left-hand bend. What dangers should you be aware of?
You’re driving towards this level crossing. What would be the first warning of an approaching train?
You’re driving with your front fog lights switched on. Earlier fog has now cleared. What should you do?
You’re following a cyclist. What should you do when you wish to turn left just ahead?
You’re following a large vehicle approaching a crossroads. The driver signals to turn left. What should you do?
You’re following a large vehicle. Why should you stay a safe distance behind it?
You’re following a long vehicle approaching a crossroads. The driver signals right but moves close to the left-hand kerb. What should you do?
You’re following a long vehicle. As it approaches a crossroads, it signals left but moves out to the right. What should you do?
You’re following a lorry on a wet road. What should you do when spray makes it difficult to see the road ahead?
You’re following a slower-moving vehicle on a narrow country road. There’s a junction just ahead on the right. What should you do?
You’re following a vehicle at a safe distance on a wet road. Another driver overtakes you and pulls into the gap you’ve left. What should you do?
You’re following other vehicles in fog. You have your lights on. What else can you do to reduce the chances of being in a collision?
You’re following two cyclists. They approach a roundabout in the left-hand lane. In which direction should you expect the cyclists to go?
You’re going straight ahead at a roundabout. How should you signal?
You’re going through a congested tunnel and have to stop. What should you do?
You’re going through a long tunnel. What will warn you of congestion or an incident ahead?
You’re having difficulty finding a parking space in a busy town. You can see there’s space on the zigzag lines of a zebra crossing. Can you park there?
You’re in a line of traffic. The driver behind you is following very closely. What action should you take?
You’re in a one-way street and want to turn right. There are two lanes. Where should you position your vehicle?
You’re in a tunnel and you see this sign. What does it mean?
You’re in a tunnel. Your vehicle is on fire and you can’t drive it. What should you do?
You’re in collision with another moving vehicle. Someone is injured and your vehicle is damaged. What information should you find out?
You’re in the left-hand lane at traffic lights, waiting to turn left. At which of these traffic lights mustn’t you move on?
You’re in the right-hand lane of a three-lane motorway. What do these overhead signs mean?
You’re invited to a pub lunch. You know that you’ll have to drive in the evening. What’s your best course of action?
You’re involved in a collision. Afterwards, which document may the police ask you to produce?
You’re joining a motorway. Why is it important to make full use of the slip road?
You’re leaving your vehicle parked on a road and unattended. When may you leave the engine running?
You’re looking for somewhere to park your vehicle. The area is full except for spaces marked ‘disabled use’. What can you do?
You’re making an appointment and will have to travel a long distance. How should you plan for the journey?
You’re on a busy main road and find that you’re travelling in the wrong direction. What should you do?
You’re on a country road. What should you expect to see coming towards you on your side of the road?
You’re on a dual carriageway. Ahead, you see a vehicle with an amber flashing light. What could this be?