Highway Code Rule 268
Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.
Section: Motorways (rules 253 to 273) Subsection: Overtaking (rules 267 to 269)Highway Code Rule 269
Hard shoulder. You MUST NOT use the hard shoulder for overtaking. In areas where an Active Traffic Management (ATM) Scheme is in force, the hard shoulder may be used as a running lane. You will know when you can use this because a speed limit sign will be shown above all open lanes, including the hard shoulder. A red cross or blank sign above the hard shoulder means that you MUST NOT drive on the hard shoulder except in an emergency or breakdown. Emergency refuge areas have also been built into these areas for use in cases of emergency or breakdown.
- The Motorways Traffic (England and Wales) Regulations 1982: Regulations 5, 5A & 9
- The Motorways Traffic (Scotland) Regulations 1995: Regulations 4 & 8

Highway Code Rule 270
You MUST NOT stop on the carriageway, hard shoulder, slip road, central reservation or verge except in an emergency, or when told to do so by the police, traffic officers in uniform, an emergency sign or by flashing red light signals. Do not stop on the hard shoulder to either make or receive mobile phone calls.
- The Motorways Traffic (England and Wales) Regulations 1982: Regulations 5A, 7, 9, 10 & 16
- The Motorways Traffic (Scotland) Regulations 1995: Regulations 6(1), 8, 9 & 14
- Police Reform Act Section 41 & Schedule 5(8)
- Road Traffic Act 1988: Sections 35 & 163 as amended by Traffic Management Act Section 6
Highway Code Rule 271
You MUST NOT pick up or set down anyone, or walk on a motorway, except in an emergency.
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984: Section 17
- The Motorways Traffic (England and Wales) Regulations 1982: Regulations 15
Highway Code Rule 272
Unless signs indicate that a lane leads directly off the motorway, you will normally leave the motorway by a slip road on your left. You should
- watch for the signs letting you know you are getting near your exit
- move into the left-hand lane well before reaching your exit
- signal left in good time and reduce your speed on the slip road as necessary.
Highway Code Rule 273
On leaving the motorway or using a link road between motorways, your speed may be higher than you realise – 50 mph may feel like 30 mph. Check your speedometer and adjust your speed accordingly. Some slip-roads and link roads have sharp bends, so you will need to slow down.
Section: Motorways (rules 253 to 273) Subsection: Leaving the motorway (rules 272 to 273)