video clips

Image Question Topic
As you approach the roundabout, there’s a sign showing a single white bar on a green background. What does this sign tell you? video clips
As you approach the roundabout, you want to change lanes. What routine should you follow? video clips
How should you approach the zebra crossing? video clips
The caravan starts to swing from side to side. What should the driver do to bring it back under control? video clips
The driver towing the caravan wants to turn right onto the dual carriageway. What should they do? video clips
What do the lines along the centre of the road mean? video clips
What do the white diagonal stripe markings in the middle of the road mean? video clips
What do the yellow lines along the edge of the road mean? video clips
What does the single yellow line along the side of the road mean? video clips
What hazard do you need to look out for as you drive under the bridge? video clips
What is the speed limit on this road for the car towing the caravan? video clips
What’s the speed limit for the car towing the caravan on this road? video clips
What’s the speed limit on this road? video clips
When are you allowed to wait on the yellow grid markings? video clips
When may you wait in the area marked with a cycle? video clips