Safety Margins

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You are on a good, dry, road surface. Your brakes and tyres are good. What is the typical overall stopping distance at 40 mph? Safety Margins
You are on a long, downhill slope. What should you do to help control the speed of your vehicle? Safety Margins
You are on a wet motorway with surface spray. You should use Safety Margins
You are overtaking a motorcyclist in strong winds? What should you do? Safety Margins
You are travelling at 50 mph on a good, dry road. What is your typical overall stopping distance? Safety Margins
You are trying to move off on snow. You should use Safety Margins
You are turning left on a slippery road. The back of your vehicle slides to the right. You should Safety Margins
You have driven through a flood. What is the first thing you should do? Safety Margins
You have just gone through deep water. To dry off the brakes you should Safety Margins
You wish to park facing DOWNHILL. Which TWO of the following should you do? Safety Margins
Your car is fitted with anti-lock brakes. You need to stop in an emergency. You should Safety Margins
Your overall stopping distance will be much longer when driving Safety Margins
Your vehicle has anti-lock brakes, but they may not always prevent skidding. This is most likely to happen when driving Safety Margins
Your vehicle is fitted with anti-lock brakes. To stop quickly in an emergency you should Safety Margins