Vulnerable road users

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A horse rider is in the left-hand lane approaching a roundabout. Where should you expect the rider to go? Vulnerable road users
A learner driver begins to emerge into your path from a side road on the left. What should you do? Vulnerable road users
As you approach a pelican crossing, the lights change to green. What should you do if elderly people are halfway across? Vulnerable road users
At night, you see a pedestrian wearing reflective clothing and carrying a bright red light. What does this mean? Vulnerable road users
How will a school crossing patrol signal you to stop? Vulnerable road users
How would you react to drivers who appear to be inexperienced? Vulnerable road users
In daylight, an approaching motorcyclist is using dipped headlights. Why? Vulnerable road users
Powered vehicles used by disabled people are small and hard to see. How do they give early warning when on a dual carriageway? Vulnerable road users
Some junctions controlled by traffic lights have a marked area between two stop lines. What’s this for? Vulnerable road users
The left-hand pavement is closed due to street repairs. What should you do? Vulnerable road users
The road outside this school is marked with yellow zigzag lines. What do these lines mean? Vulnerable road users
The vehicle ahead is being driven by a learner. What should you do? Vulnerable road users
There are flashing amber lights under a school warning sign. What action should you take? Vulnerable road users
What action would you take when elderly people are crossing the road? Vulnerable road users
What does a flashing amber beacon mean when it’s on a moving vehicle? Vulnerable road users