
Image Question Topic
Blind spots should be checked before you do what? Alertness
How should you move off safely from a parked position? Alertness
In which of these situations should you avoid overtaking? Alertness
What does the term ‘lifesaver’ mean? Alertness
What does this road marking mean? Alertness
What is the ‘lifesaver’ when riding a motorcycle? Alertness
What must you do before stopping normally? Alertness
What should you do as you approach this bridge? Alertness
What should you do before making a U-turn? Alertness
What should you do before stopping? Alertness
What should you do when riding a motorcycle you’ve never ridden before? Alertness
What should you do when you’re approaching traffic lights that have been on green for some time? Alertness
When may motorcyclists use a mobile phone? Alertness
When riding, your shoulders can obstruct the view in your mirrors. How can you overcome this? Alertness
When should you check the blind spots? Alertness