Hazard awareness

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What should you do if you become tired while you’re driving on a motorway? Hazard awareness
What should you do if you begin to feel drowsy while you’re driving? Hazard awareness
What should you do if you start to feel drowsy while you’re driving on a motorway? Hazard awareness
What should you do if you think the driver of the vehicle in front has forgotten to cancel their right indicator? Hazard awareness
What should you expect if you see this sign ahead? Hazard awareness
What type of vehicle could you expect to meet in the middle of the road? Hazard awareness
What type of vehicle displays this yellow sign? Hazard awareness
What type of vehicle uses an amber flashing beacon on a dual carriageway? Hazard awareness
What will be a serious distraction while you’re driving? Hazard awareness
What will become more expensive after you’ve been convicted of driving while unfit through drink or drugs? Hazard awareness
What’s the main hazard shown in this picture? Hazard awareness
What’s the main hazard the driver of the red car (arrowed) should be aware of? Hazard awareness
What’s the main hazard you should be aware of when following this cyclist? Hazard awareness
When may you use hazard warning lights? Hazard awareness
When should you use hazard warning lights? Hazard awareness