Mock Theory Test

Car Mock Test 3

You have 57 minutes to answer 50 multiple choice driving theory test questions from the latest 2025 question bank. At least 43 out of 50 questions must be answered correctly in order to pass the test. Answers may be reviewed after each question or you can wait until the end of the test for your final score. Good luck!

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A Parked cars around the corner
B The cyclist crossing the road
C Vehicles doing U-turns
D Vehicles turning right
Correct Answer: B The cyclist crossing the road
Explanation: Look at the picture carefully and try to imagine you're there. The cyclist in this picture appears to be trying to cross the road. You must be able to deal with the unexpected, especially when you're approaching a hazardous junction. Look well ahead to give yourself time to deal with any hazards.
A Flash your lights to show your annoyance
B Ignore the error and stay calm
C Overtake as soon as possible
D Sound your horn to show your annoyance
Correct Answer: B Ignore the error and stay calm
Explanation: Be tolerant if a vehicle emerges and you have to brake quickly. Anyone can make a mistake, so don't react aggressively. Be alert where there are side roads and be especially careful where there are parked vehicles, because these can make it difficult for emerging drivers to see you.
A Anything overtaking the lorry will be hidden from view
B The load on the lorry might be unstable
C The lorry could suddenly speed up
D The lorry might be slowing down
Correct Answer: A Anything overtaking the lorry will be hidden from view
Explanation: Large vehicles can hide other vehicles that are overtaking - especially motorcycles. You need to be aware of the possibility of hidden vehicles and not assume that it's safe to turn.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Road humps are used to slow down traffic. They're found in places where there are often pedestrians, such as
  • shopping areas
  • near schools
  • residential areas.
Watch out for people close to the kerb or crossing the road.
A 30 mph
B 50 mph
C 60 mph
D 70 mph
Correct Answer: D 70 mph
Explanation: Travelling at the national speed limit doesn't allow you to hog the right-hand lane. Always use the left-hand lane whenever possible. When leaving a motorway, get into the left-hand lane well before your exit. Reduce your speed on the slip road and look out for sharp bends or curves and traffic queuing at roundabouts.
A Motorcycle and sidecar outfits
B Motorcycles
C Small delivery vans
D Vehicles towing a trailer
Correct Answer: D Vehicles towing a trailer
Explanation: On the motorway, any vehicle towing a trailer is restricted to 60 mph. It isn't allowed in the right-hand lane, as it might hold up faster-moving traffic that wishes to overtake in that lane.
A Along the hard shoulder
B Before a junction
C Before a service area
D On a steep gradient
Correct Answer: D On a steep gradient
Explanation: Large, slow-moving vehicles can hinder the progress of other traffic. On a steep gradient, an extra crawler lane may be provided for slow-moving vehicles to allow faster-moving traffic to flow more easily.
A Bend to the right
B No right turn
C No traffic from the right
D Road on the right closed
Correct Answer: B No right turn
Explanation: The 'no right turn' sign may be used to warn road users that there's a 'no entry' prohibition on a road to the right ahead.
A Hold back until you can see clearly ahead
B Move to the right to get a better view
C Overtake the other driver as quickly as possible
D Switch your headlights on before overtaking
Correct Answer: A Hold back until you can see clearly ahead
Explanation: You won't be able to see any hazards that might be hidden in the dip. As well as oncoming traffic, the dip may conceal
  • cyclists
  • horse riders
  • parked vehicles
  • pedestrians
in the road.
A No parking at any time
B Parking allowed only for a short time
C Slow down to 20 mph
D Sounding horns isn't allowed
Correct Answer: A No parking at any time
Explanation: The approach to, and exit from, a pedestrian crossing is marked with zigzag lines. You mustn't park on them or overtake the leading vehicle when approaching the crossing. Parking here would block the view for pedestrians and approaching traffic.
A No services for 50 miles
B Obstruction 50 metres (164 feet) ahead
C Temporary maximum speed 50 mph
D Temporary minimum speed 50 mph
Correct Answer: C Temporary maximum speed 50 mph
Explanation: Look out for signs above your lane or on the central reservation. These will give you important information or warnings about the road ahead. To allow for the high speed of motorway traffic, these signs may light up some distance from any hazard. Don't ignore the signs just because the road looks clear to you.
A A cycle route
B A diversion route
C A pedestrian zone
D A picnic area
Correct Answer: B A diversion route
Explanation: When a diversion route has been put in place, drivers are advised to follow a symbol, which may be a black triangle, square, circle or diamond shape on a yellow background.
Correct Answer: C Red
Explanation: Red studs are placed between the edge of the carriageway and the hard shoulder. Where slip roads leave or join the motorway, the studs are green.
A In the left-hand lane
B In the middle lane
C In the right-hand lane
D On the hard shoulder
Correct Answer: A In the left-hand lane
Explanation: The colours of the reflective studs on the motorway and their locations are
  • red - between the hard shoulder and the carriageway
  • white - between lanes
  • amber - between the carriageway and the central reservation
  • green - along slip-road exits and entrances
  • bright green/yellow - at roadworks and contraflow systems.

A At or near a bus stop
B In a designated parking space
C Near the brow of a hill
D On the approach to a level crossing
Correct Answer: B In a designated parking space
Explanation: It may be tempting to park where you shouldn't while you run a quick errand. Careless parking is a selfish act and could endanger other road users.
A To attract a friend's attention
B To give you right of way
C To make slower drivers move over
D To warn others of your presence
Correct Answer: D To warn others of your presence
Explanation: Never sound your vehicle's horn aggressively. You mustn't sound it when driving in a built-up area between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am, or when you're stationary, unless another road user poses a danger. Don't scare animals by sounding your horn.
A To help you select the correct lane in good time
B To prevent you from changing lanes
C To restrict the flow of traffic
D To warn of oncoming traffic
Correct Answer: A To help you select the correct lane in good time
Explanation: The names of towns and cities may be painted on the road at busy junctions and complex road systems. They guide you into the correct lane in good time, allowing traffic to flow more freely.
A Allow extra room in case they swerve to avoid potholes
B Allow the same room as normal to avoid wasting road space
C Follow closely so they can see you in their mirrors
D Overtake immediately to avoid delays
Correct Answer: A Allow extra room in case they swerve to avoid potholes
Explanation: To avoid being unbalanced, a motorcyclist might swerve to avoid potholes and bumps in the road. Be prepared for this and allow them extra space.
A Leave the motorway at the next exit
B Move to the left and reduce your speed to 50 mph
C There are roadworks 50 metres (55 yards) ahead
D Use the hard shoulder until you've passed the hazard
Correct Answer: B Move to the left and reduce your speed to 50 mph
Explanation: You must obey these signs even if there appear to be no problems ahead. There could be queuing traffic or another hazard that you can't see yet.
A When in queues and traffic to your right is moving more slowly than you are
B When the traffic in the right-hand lane is signalling right
C When you can see well ahead that the hard shoulder is clear
D When you warn drivers behind by signalling left
Correct Answer: A When in queues and traffic to your right is moving more slowly than you are
Explanation: Never overtake on the left, unless the traffic is moving in queues and the queue on your right is moving more slowly than the one you're in.
A Buses turning
B Keep right
C Mini-roundabout
D Ring road
Correct Answer: C Mini-roundabout
Explanation: When you see this sign, look out for any direction signs and judge whether you need to signal your intentions. Do this in good time so that other road users approaching the roundabout know what you're planning to do.
A A notification to tell DVLA that a vehicle isn't being used on the road
B A notification to tell DVSA that a vehicle doesn't have a current MOT
C Information held by insurance companies to check a vehicle is insured
D Information kept by the police about the owner of a vehicle
Correct Answer: A A notification to tell DVLA that a vehicle isn't being used on the road
Explanation: If you want to keep a vehicle untaxed and off the public road, you must make a SORN. It's an offence not to do so. Your SORN is valid until your vehicle is taxed, sold or scrapped.
A Increased fuel consumption
B Increased road safety
C Reduced exhaust emissions
D Reduced pollution
Correct Answer: A Increased fuel consumption
Explanation: Using the controls smoothly can reduce fuel consumption by about 15%, as well as reducing wear and tear on your vehicle. Plan ahead and anticipate changes of speed well in advance. This will reduce the need to accelerate rapidly or brake sharply.
A Next to the phone
B On the hard shoulder
C Well away from the carriageway
D With your vehicle
Correct Answer: C Well away from the carriageway
Explanation: When you're on the hard shoulder, you're at risk of being injured by motorway traffic. The safest place to wait is away from the carriageway, but near enough to see the emergency services arriving.
A Go ahead
B Stop
C Turn left
D Turn right
Correct Answer: B Stop
Explanation: Police officers may need to direct traffic; for example, at a junction where the traffic lights have broken down. Check your copy of The Highway Code for the signals that they use.
A Apply pressure over the wound
B Dab the wound
C Get them a drink
D Walk them around and keep them talking
Correct Answer: A Apply pressure over the wound
Explanation: If possible, lay the casualty down. Protect yourself from exposure to blood and, when you're sure there's nothing in the wound, apply firm pressure using clean material.
A 10 times per minute
B 120 times per minute
C 240 times per minute
D 60 times per minute
Correct Answer: B 120 times per minute
Explanation: If a casualty isn't breathing normally, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may be needed to maintain circulation. Place two hands on the centre of the chest and press down hard and fast - around 5-6 centimetres and about twice a second.
A Before you can make a SORN
B Before you can scrap the vehicle
C Before you can sell the vehicle
D Before you can tax the vehicle
Correct Answer: D Before you can tax the vehicle
Explanation: Your vehicle must have valid insurance cover before you can tax it. If required, it will also need to have a valid MOT certificate. You can tax your vehicle online, by phone or at certain post offices.
A A vehicle handbook
B An appropriate driving licence
C Breakdown cover
D Proof of your identity
Correct Answer: B An appropriate driving licence
Explanation: Using a motor vehicle on the road illegally carries a heavy fine and can lead to penalty points on your driving licence. You must
  • hold a valid driving licence for the class of vehicle you're using
  • be insured to drive the vehicle.
If required, the vehicle must have a current MOT test certificate and be taxed for use on the road.
A Signal left after you leave the roundabout and enter the new road
B Signal left just after you pass the exit before the one you're going to take
C Signal right on the approach and then left to leave the roundabout
D Signal right on the approach to the roundabout and keep the signal on
Correct Answer: B Signal left just after you pass the exit before the one you're going to take
Explanation: To go straight ahead at a roundabout, you should normally approach in the left-hand lane, but check the road markings. At some roundabouts, the left lane on approach is marked 'left turn only', so make sure you use the correct lane to go ahead. You won't normally need to signal as you approach, but signal before you leave the roundabout, as other road users need to know your intentions.
Correct Answer: D 7 days
Explanation: You don't have to carry your vehicle's documents wherever you go. If a police officer asks to see them and you don't have them with you, you may be asked to produce them at a police station within 7 days.
A 1 to 2 centimetres
B 10 to 15 centimetres
C 15 to 20 centimetres
D 5 to 6 centimetres
Correct Answer: D 5 to 6 centimetres
Explanation: An adult casualty isn't breathing normally. To maintain circulation, place two hands on the centre of the chest. Then press down hard and fast - around 5-6 centimetres and about twice a second.
A Anti-freeze level
B Battery-water level
C Brake-fluid level
D Radiator-coolant level
Correct Answer: C Brake-fluid level
Explanation: You should carry out frequent checks on all fluid levels but particularly brake fluid. As the brake pads or shoes wear down, the brake-fluid level will drop. If it drops below the minimum mark on the fluid reservoir, air could enter the hydraulic system and lead to a loss of braking efficiency or even complete brake failure.
A Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front
B Keep close to the vehicle in front
C Keep up with the faster vehicles
D Use main beam instead of dipped headlights
Correct Answer: A Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front
Explanation: When it's foggy, use your headlights on dipped beam. This will help you see and be seen by other road users. If visibility is seriously reduced, consider using front and rear fog lights if you have them. Keep to a sensible speed and don't follow the vehicle in front too closely. If the road is wet and slippery, you'll need to allow twice the normal stopping distance.
A Make sure the injured person is kept warm
B Place them in the recovery position
C Treat the person for shock
D Warn other traffic
Correct Answer: D Warn other traffic
Explanation: The most immediate danger is further collisions and fire. You could warn other traffic by switching on hazard warning lights, displaying an advance warning triangle or sign (but not on a motorway), or by any other means that doesn't put you or others at risk.
A Improved grip on the road
B Improved passenger comfort
C Lower fuel consumption
D Shorter stopping distances
Correct Answer: A Improved grip on the road
Explanation: By driving all four wheels, the vehicle has maximum grip on the road. This grip is especially helpful when travelling on slippery or uneven surfaces. However, having four-wheel drive doesn't replace the skills you need to drive safely.
A A steady amber light
B Both half-barriers down
C One half-barrier down
D Twin flashing red lights
Correct Answer: A A steady amber light
Explanation: The steady amber light will be followed by twin flashing red lights that mean you must stop. An alarm will also sound to alert you to the fact that a train is approaching.
A The two left lanes are open
B The two right lanes are open
C Traffic in the left lanes should stop
D Traffic in the right lanes should stop
Correct Answer: A The two left lanes are open
Explanation: On some busy roads, lane control signals are used to vary the number of lanes available to give priority to the main traffic flow. A green arrow indicates that the lane is available to traffic facing the signal. A white diagonal arrow means that the lane is closed ahead and traffic should move to the next lane on the left. A red cross means that the lane is closed to traffic facing the signal.
A Drive home carefully and slowly
B Go home by public transport
C Have a strong cup of coffee and then drive home
D Wait a short while and then drive home
Correct Answer: B Go home by public transport
Explanation: Drinking black coffee or waiting a few hours won't make any difference. Alcohol takes time to leave the body. A driver who has been drinking should go home by public transport or taxi. They might even be unfit to drive the following morning.
A Give way to the pedestrian
B Reverse before the pedestrian starts to cross
C Sound your horn to warn the pedestrian
D Wave to the pedestrian to stop
Correct Answer: A Give way to the pedestrian
Explanation: If you need to reverse into a side road, try to find a place that's free from traffic and pedestrians. Look all around before and during the manoeuvre. Stop and give way to any pedestrians who want to cross behind you. Avoid waving them across, sounding the horn, flashing your lights or giving any signals that could mislead them and create a dangerous situation.
A Continue to wait
B Drive across carefully
C Get out and investigate
D Telephone the signal operator
Correct Answer: A Continue to wait
Explanation: At a level crossing, flashing red lights mean you must stop. If the train passes but the lights keep flashing, wait. Another train may be coming.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: There may be occasions when other road users are unable to see your indicator, such as in bright sunlight or at a busy, complicated junction. In these cases, an arm signal will help others to understand your intentions.
A Driving on motorways
B Reducing your speed
C Under-inflated tyres
D Using different brands of fuel
Correct Answer: C Under-inflated tyres
Explanation: Wasting fuel costs you money and also causes unnecessary pollution. Ensuring your tyres are correctly inflated, avoiding carrying unnecessary weight and removing a roof rack that's not in use will all help to reduce your fuel consumption.
A Anticipate well ahead
B Brake heavily
C Use busy routes
D Use narrow side streets
Correct Answer: A Anticipate well ahead
Explanation: By looking well ahead and recognising hazards in good time, you can avoid late and heavy braking. Watch the traffic flow and look well ahead for potential hazards so you can control your speed in good time. Avoid over-revving the engine and accelerating harshly, as this increases wear to the engine and uses more fuel.
A The rider may be blown in front of you
B The rider may be travelling faster than normal
C The rider may stop suddenly
D The rider may turn off suddenly to get out of the wind
Correct Answer: A The rider may be blown in front of you
Explanation: If you're driving in high winds, be aware that the conditions might make a motorcyclist (or cyclist) swerve or wobble. Take this into consideration if you're following or wish to overtake a two-wheeled vehicle.
A Busy roads
B Drugs
C Tinted windows
D Weather conditions
Correct Answer: B Drugs
Explanation: Both recreational drugs and prescribed medicine can affect your concentration. It's also an offence to drive with certain drugs in your body and a positive test could lead to a conviction.
A The engine will overheat
B The fuel consumption will increase
C The tyres will wear more quickly
D The vehicle will gain speed more quickly
Correct Answer: D The vehicle will gain speed more quickly
Explanation: Coasting is when you allow the vehicle to freewheel in neutral or with the clutch pedal depressed. When travelling downhill, this will cause the vehicle to gain speed more quickly as you lose the benefits of engine braking; it may even lead to a loss of control. You shouldn't coast, especially when approaching hazards such as junctions or bends and when travelling downhill.
A When they're exempt for medical reasons
B When they're sitting in the rear seat
C When they're under 1.5 metres (5 feet) in height
D When they're under 14 years old
Correct Answer: A When they're exempt for medical reasons
Explanation: If you have adult passengers, it's their responsibility to wear a seat belt, but you should still remind them to use one as they get in the car. It's your responsibility to make sure that all children in your car are secured with an appropriate restraint. Exemptions are allowed for those with a medical exemption certificate.
A Open a window and stop as soon as it's safe and legal
B Slow down and let other drivers overtake
C Speed up to arrive at your destination sooner
D Stop on the hard shoulder for a sleep
Correct Answer: A Open a window and stop as soon as it's safe and legal
Explanation: Never stop on the hard shoulder to rest. If there's no service area for several miles, leave the motorway at the next exit and find somewhere safe and legal to pull over.
A The ESC system has a fault
B The ESC system has activated
C The ESC system is running a routine test
D The ESC system is switched off
Correct Answer: B The ESC system has activated
Explanation: ESC is a computer controlled technology that detects reduced traction and automatically makes corrective adjustments to prevent loss of control. The ESC lamp comes on to alert the driver that the system has activated and the car is approaching its handling limits. It's a powerful driver aid but it cannot save a car once its traction limits have been exceeded.

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