ADI Theory Test Questions

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786 Questions

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When may you drive without wearing your seat belt?
When may you overtake another vehicle by passing on its left-hand side?
When may you stop on the hard shoulder of a motorway?
When may you use hazard warning lights while you’re driving?
When may you use your front fog lights?
When may you use your vehicle’s horn while you’re driving in a built-up area?
When may you wait in a box junction?
When must you show your motor insurance certificate?
When must you stop on a motorway?
When should a vehicle’s horn be used?
When should drivers use the centre lane of a three-lane motorway?
When should drivers use the left-hand lane of a motorway?
When should drivers use the right-hand lane of a three-lane motorway?
When should regular tyre-pressure checks be made?
When should you assess a learner driver’s progress?
When should you give feedback to your pupil?
When should you hold back and not attempt to overtake a cyclist?
When should you use hazard warning lights?
When should you use the ‘two-second rule’?
When should you use your vehicle’s horn?
When will an approved driving instructor (ADI) be subject to standards checks?
When will anti-lock brakes be activated?
When will your overall stopping distance be increased?
When would you inflate your tyres above the recommended normal pressure?
When would you use the right-hand lane of a three-lane dual carriageway?
Where are amber reflective road studs used?
Where are fluorescent green/yellow reflective studs used to mark the carriageway?
Where are the amber reflective studs on a motorway?
Where are vehicles most likely to be affected by a side wind?
Where do waiting restrictions allow you to stop to pick up or set down passengers?
Where is it too dangerous to use a breakdown warning triangle?
Where is parking prohibited?
Where should a driver position their vehicle before turning left?
Where should the head restraint be positioned for it to be most effective?
Where should you avoid overtaking?
Where should you position the car when you’re driving in traffic lanes?
Where should you position your car as you approach a sharp left-hand bend?
Where should you position your vehicle when you’re driving in lanes of traffic?
Where should you position your vehicle when you’re driving towards a left-hand bend?
Where should you take particular care to look for motorcyclists and cyclists?
Where should your headlight beam fall when you’re following another vehicle at night?
Where would parking be likely to cause an obstruction?
Where would you find a catalytic converter on your vehicle?
Where would you find a crawler lane on a motorway?
Where would you see a contraflow bus and cycle lane?
Where would you usually find the first information sign indicating that you’re approaching an exit from a motorway?
Which colour light shows before the flashing amber signal at a pelican crossing?
Which expense is likely to increase as a result of being convicted of driving while unfit through drink or drugs?
Which lane should you normally use on a three-lane motorway?
Which lane should you use when you’re going ahead at a roundabout that has two lanes on the approach and no lane direction arrows?
Which light won’t show to a driver at a puffin crossing?
Which lights should you use if you have to park on the road in fog?
Which lights should you use if you’re on a wet motorway where there’s surface spray?
Which lights should you use when you’re driving in daylight and it’s foggy?
Which lights should you use when you’re driving on a busy, well-lit motorway at night?
Which organisation publishes guidance about medical conditions that might prevent someone from driving?
Which road surface may cause anti-lock brakes to be less effective?
Which road users are most likely to be permitted to share a bus lane during its times of operation?
Which road users can use a toucan crossing?
Which sign shows a lane for use by pedal cycles only?
Which stream of traffic has priority at a roundabout?
Which traffic-light signal will follow a red light?
Which type of glasses shouldn’t be worn when driving at night?
Which type of vehicle is allowed to pass this sign?
Which vehicle is least likely to be affected by side winds?
Which vehicle is most likely to follow an unusual course at a roundabout?
Which vehicle might have to straddle lanes at a roundabout?
Which vehicle should display a flashing amber light when it’s being used on a dual carriageway?
Which vehicles aren’t allowed in the right-hand lane of a three-lane motorway?
Which vehicles aren’t allowed to use the right-hand lane of a three-lane motorway?
Which vehicles aren’t permitted to use motorways?
Which vehicles should use the left-hand lane on a three-lane motorway?
While you’re driving, what will happen if you hold the clutch pedal down or roll in neutral for too long?
Who can accompany a candidate on their driving test?
Who can supervise a learner car driver?
Who can supervise a learner driver?
Who has priority at a crossroads where there are no signs or road markings?
Who has priority when traffic lights are out of order?
Who should obey diamond-shaped signs?
Who’s responsible for ensuring that a 16 year-old passenger wears a seat belt?
Who’s responsible for making sure that a vehicle isn’t overloaded?
Why are destination markings painted on the road?
Why are hatch markings painted in the centre of the road?
Why are new vehicles fitted with catalytic converters?
Why are these yellow lines painted across the carriageway?
Why are traffic-calming measures put in place?
Why are vehicle mirrors often slightly convex?
Why are vehicles fitted with high-intensity rear fog lights?
Why are yellow lines painted across the road on the approach to some roundabouts?
Why could keeping the clutch down or selecting neutral for long periods of time be dangerous?
Why do motorcyclists often look over their right shoulder just before turning right?
Why do motorcyclists often wear bright clothing?
Why do you need to take time to identify your pupil’s learning goals?
Why have ‘Red Routes’ been introduced into major cities?
Why is a toucan crossing different from other crossings?
Why is coasting a bad driving technique?
Why is it dangerous to leave rear fog lights on when they’re not needed?
Why is it illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone while you’re driving?
Why is it particularly important to carry out a check on your vehicle before making a long motorway journey?
Why is overtaking a lorry more risky than overtaking a car?
Why should an approved driving instructor (ADI) spend time clarifying a pupil’s learning goals and needs?
Why should you allow extra room when you’re overtaking a motorcyclist on a windy day?
Why should you keep well back before overtaking a large vehicle?
Why should you keep well back when you’re following a large vehicle?
Why should you look very carefully for motorcyclists and cyclists at junctions?
Why should you make sure that your indicators are cancelled after turning?
Why should you make sure your head restraint is properly adjusted?
Why should you never wave people across at pedestrian crossings?
Why should you provide feedback to your pupil?
Why should you reduce your speed when you’re driving in fog?
Why should you take care to avoid spillage when refuelling a vehicle fitted with a diesel engine?
Why should you tell your pupil to obey the speed limit shown on this sign?
Why should you test your brakes after driving through a ford?
Why would a motorcyclist use dipped headlights in daylight?
Why would you fit chains to your wheels?
Why would you flash your headlights to another road user?
You apply the brakes while you’re travelling forwards and in a straight line. How will this affect the grip of the tyres on the road?
You arrive at a serious motorcycle crash. The scene has been made safe. What’s the first thing you should check on an unconscious rider?
You arrive at an incident where someone is suffering from severe burns. How could you help?
You arrive at the scene of a car crash. A passenger is bleeding heavily from an arm wound. How should the arm be treated if it’s clear that there are no objects in the wound?
You arrive at the scene of a crash. The scene has been made safe and there’s a casualty in a vehicle. What should you do if the casualty is conscious and breathing?
You arrive at the scene of a motorcycle crash. The rider is injured. When would you remove the rider’s helmet?
You arrive at the scene of an incident. There’s been an engine fire. What should you do to help someone whose hands and arms have been burnt?
You break down on a dual carriageway. How far behind your vehicle should you place a red warning triangle?
You break down on a motorway. You need to call for help. Why may it be better to use an emergency roadside telephone rather than a mobile phone?
You come to an obstruction on your side of a narrow road. What should you do if there’s oncoming traffic?
You find that your eyesight has become very poor. Who must you inform if your optician says they can’t help you?
You give instruction in short, progressive steps. What’s this teaching technique likely to lead to?
You have a pupil who is colour-blind. How will this affect their ability to drive?
You have to make a journey in fog. What’s the most important thing you should do before you set out?
You intend to slow down to give way to pedestrians at a zebra crossing. Why could an arm signal be useful?
You intend to turn left at traffic lights. What should you do just before turning?
You intend to turn left into a minor road. What should you do as you approach the junction?
You intend to turn right at a roundabout. When should you give a left signal?
You keep well back while waiting to overtake a large vehicle. What should you do if another car fills the gap?
You leave a motorway, following a long period of fast driving. How is your judgement of speed likely to be affected?
You must use your headlights when visibility is seriously reduced. What distance would be classed as seriously reduced?
You need glasses to bring your eyesight up to the required standard. When must you wear them?
You need to reverse park between two vehicles. As a guide, what’s the minimum gap you’ll need between the two vehicles?
You park facing uphill and apply the parking brake. As an added precaution, you should also leave the car in gear. Which would be the most appropriate gear to select?
You park on a hill in a vehicle that has automatic transmission. When you leave the vehicle, in which position would you put the gear selector?
You park on the left, facing uphill. In which position should you leave the steering wheel?
You see a pedestrian with a dog. What does it mean if the dog is wearing a distinctive yellow or burgundy coat?
You see a vehicle with a flashing amber beacon ahead. What warning does this give you?
You see white diagonal lines, bounded by broken lines, painted on the road. One of their uses is to protect traffic turning right. What other purpose do these markings have?
You stop for pedestrians waiting to cross at a zebra crossing. What should you do if they don’t start to cross promptly?
You want to leave the motorway at the next exit. Where should you position your vehicle as you approach the exit?
You want to reverse into a side road. What should you do if you’re not sure whether the area behind your car is clear?
You want to reverse park a car between two vehicles on the side of the road. As a guide, what would be the minimum size for a suitable parking space?
You want to turn into the next side road on the left. What should you do if you’re following a cyclist as you approach the junction?
You want to turn right at a box junction. What should you do if there’s oncoming traffic?
You want to turn right from a junction. What should you do if your view is restricted by parked vehicles?
You want to turn right onto a dual carriageway. What should you do if the central reservation is too small for your vehicle?
You want to use your mobile phone to make a personal call while you’re driving. What must you do if it has no hands-free facility?
You wish to turn right. Why should you take up the correct position in good time?
Your car is fitted with a dual accelerator pedal. What must you do before using the car for a driving test?
Your car is fitted with anti-lock brakes. What technique should you use to stop in an emergency?
Your car is fitted with seat belts. When can a passenger travel in your car without wearing a seat belt?
Your car’s front wheels are out of balance. How will this affect your car?
Your doctor has given you a course of medicine. Why should you ask how it will affect you?
Your pupil asks what the blue patch means on this sign. What’s the best reply?
Your pupil asks you about this sign, which they’ve seen recently. What should you tell them it means?
Your pupil has just passed their first practical driving test. What will they have to do if they get six penalty points on their licence within two years?
Your pupil is approaching a crossroads. What advice should you give them if the traffic lights have failed?
Your pupil is approaching a junction where the view is restricted. What should you tell them to do?
Your pupil is at the end of their driving test. With your pupil’s permission, what does DVSA advise you to do?
Your pupil is driving in a stream of traffic. You see this sign ahead. What advice should you give to your pupil?
Your pupil, who is profoundly deaf, intends to apply for a driving test. What advice should you give them about their application?
Your pupil’s knowledge and driving competence improve. What’s likely to happen to the level of instructor involvement?
Your vehicle breaks down on a very narrow road. Where should you place a red warning triangle?
Your vehicle breaks down while you’re driving on a two-way road. What’s the minimum distance behind your vehicle you should place a warning triangle?
Your vehicle gets a puncture while you’re driving on the motorway. What should you do when you’ve stopped safely on the hard shoulder or in an emergency refuge area?
Your vehicle has anti-lock brakes. In which conditions may they be ineffective at preventing skidding?
Your vehicle has been involved in a collision with another vehicle. Some damage has occurred. What must you do after you’ve stopped?
Your vehicle has broken down on a motorway. How would you know where to find the nearest emergency telephone?
Your vehicle has broken down on a smart motorway. What should you do if you can’t get it into an emergency refuge area?
Your vehicle is broken down on the hard shoulder of a motorway. What should you do if you decide to use your mobile phone to call for help?
Your vehicle is fitted with a hands-free phone system. What’s likely to happen if you use this equipment while you’re driving?
Your vehicle is fitted with anti-lock brakes. How should you use your brakes to stop quickly in an emergency?
Your vehicle is stationary in traffic. When are you allowed to use the horn?
You’re about to drive down a steep hill. What should you do to control the speed of your vehicle?
You’re about to drive home. What should you do if you feel very tired and have a severe headache?
You’re about to overtake a cyclist on a road that has a 30 mph speed limit. How much room should you leave them as you overtake?
You’re about to return home from holiday when you become ill. What should you do if a doctor prescribes drugs that are likely to affect your driving?
You’re about to reverse into a side road. What should you do if you see a pedestrian who wants to cross behind your car?
You’re approaching a busy junction. There are several lanes with road markings. What should you do when, at the last moment, you realise that you’re in the wrong lane?
You’re approaching a junction where the traffic lights aren’t working. What should you do when a police officer gives this signal?
You’re approaching a pelican crossing. What should you do if the amber light is flashing?
You’re approaching a red light at a puffin crossing. Pedestrians are on the crossing. When will the red light change?
You’re approaching this sign. Which sign are you likely to have just passed?
You’re approaching traffic lights. What does the amber light on its own mean?
You’re approaching traffic lights. What should you do if the green light has been showing for some time?
You’re approaching traffic lights. What should you do if the red and amber lights are showing together?
You’re at a junction controlled by traffic lights. When should you wait, even if the green light is showing?
You’re at a pelican crossing. What does the flashing amber light mean?
You’re at an incident. What should you do for any injured people, once the area is safe?
You’re at the front of a queue of traffic waiting to turn right into a side road. Why is it important to check your offside mirror just before turning?
You’re at the scene of an incident. Why would you move a casualty who’s unconscious but still breathing?
You’re being overtaken by a heavily laden lorry. What should you do if it’s taking a long time to come past?
You’re driving a car at night. The vehicle behind starts to overtake. When should you dip your headlights?