Video Clip Test 2

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There are 3 multiple choice questions in this video clip test. Watch the video clip carefully and before starting the test. You need to score 2 out of 3 to pass.

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A A narrowing of the road
B Overhanging tree branches
C Pedestrians walking in the road
D The height of the bridge
Correct Answer: C Pedestrians walking in the road
Explanation: Look out for warning signs as you're driving. They'll tell you what hazards you may find ahead. For example, pedestrians, wild animals or cattle.
To deal safely with any hazards in the road, be prepared to slow down or stop.
A 30 mph
B 40 mph
C 50 mph
D 60 mph
Correct Answer: A 30 mph
Explanation: If you're driving in a built-up area, the speed limit will be low. Apart from the speed limit signs where you enter the limit, look out for repeater signs reminding you of the speed limit.
A speed limit isn't a target - you don't have to drive as fast as the limit says you can. Keep within the limit and adapt your driving to the road situation.
A It marks the edge of the road
B No stopping at any time
C No waiting at any time
D Waiting restrictions apply at certain times
Correct Answer: D Waiting restrictions apply at certain times
Explanation: Yellow lines along the side of the road tell you that waiting restrictions apply here.
If there's just one line, it means that the waiting restrictions are at certain times. There may be a yellow plate on a wall or lamppost nearby telling you what these times are.
If the yellow lines are double, it means that you cannot wait there at any time.