The reception is usually located at the front of the test centre building. You are required to register your attendance at reception before sitting your test, so you should already know where this area is located.
Depending on the outcome of your test, you will receive one or two documents. A member of staff will print these documents and hand them to you directly. All candidates will receive an outcome letter, which will confirm whether they’ve passed or failed the test. If you’ve managed to achieve the required pass score, you’ll also receive a theory test pass certificate.
Understanding the documentation – Outcome Letter
The outcome letter will provide information about your performance in the test. There is no grading system attached to the theory test, so you will just receive a simple pass or fail result. However, the outcome letter confirms the volume of multiple-choice questions you answered incorrectly. It will also tell you how many points you accumulated during each hazard perception exercise. Remember, you must successfully navigate both parts of the theory test to receive a pass certificate.
Although you won’t be told exactly which multiple-choice questions you answered incorrectly, you will gain visibility of how you handled each topic you were tested on. As you’re perhaps already aware, the multiple-choice test is designed to assess your knowledge of a range of driving-related themes. Amongst an extensive list of other topics, you’ll be required to answer questions about road safety signage, speed limits, and licensing regulations. The outcome letter will confirm how many errors you made when answering questions about the topics covered. For example, it may state that you answered three ‘rules of the road’ questions incorrectly. If you answered every question relating to a specific topic correctly, you won’t see this information recorded on your outcome letter.
If you fail the theory test, you should ensure you spend sufficient time revising the topics you struggled with most. This enables you to target areas that provide the biggest opportunity for improvement, and acquire a better overall understanding of the subject matter. As a result, you should feel more confident heading into your re-sit test. Even if you passed the test, it’s worth revisiting any topics that you found particularly challenging. Building your theoretical knowledge will make you a better driver, and help you to feel safer on the road. This performance breakdown is listed underneath your overall multiple-choice result. You must answer 43 out of the 50 questions correctly to pass the multiple-choice part of the theory test.
Hazard Perception
You’ll also receive an overview of your hazard perception scores. The hazard perception part of the test involves reviewing 14 video clips, and responding (clicking your mouse) when the footage shows a developing hazard. All but one of the video clips contain footage of one hazard, with the other presenting two separate hazards. You can score up to five points when responding to each hazard. The volume of points you scored for each video clip will be provided, as well as your overall result. You must acquire at least 44 points to pass the hazard perception part of the theory test. This means you’ll have to earn 58.6% of the 75 points available.
Next steps
On the reverse of your outcome letter, you’ll see information about the practical driving test. As well as providing details of where to access a practical test tutorial, the letter will include the full URL of the DVSA’s online booking system. The tutorial will explain the structure of the practical driving test, and what you’ll need to bring with you to the examination centre. If you enter the URL provided into your web browser, you will instantly be taken to the practical test booking page.
Please remember that you must take your practical test within two years of the date you passed your theory test. As referenced below, your pass certificate will denote the date you took your theory test. You’ll also see an ‘expiry date’ referenced at the top of the document. If you fail to book and pass your driving test before this expiry date, you will need to re-sit your theory test.
Understanding the documentation – Pass Certificate
Providing you’ve answered at least 43 multiple-choice questions correctly and racked up 44 points or more in the hazard perception exercise, you’ll receive a theory test pass certificate. This is a fairly basic document, containing just several pieces of information.
The certificate will confirm that you’ve met the requirements set out in Section 89 of the Road Traffic Act (1988), which determines that all Car (Category B) licence holders must pass the DVSA theory test. It will highlight when your pass certificate was issued and the date it is due to expire. Furthermore, the ID of the test centre that facilitated your assessment will be noted. Clearly, your full name and (provisional) driving licence number will also be included.
One of the most important details presented on this document is your pass certificate number. The DVSA enters all pass certificate numbers into a digital database. This enables them to quickly identify whether an individual has passed the theory test. If you’re contacting the DVSA with a query about your theory test, you may be asked to confirm your pass certificate number as part of a security check. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make a note of this number in case you lose your pass certificate.
Although it’s unlikely you’ll need your pass certificate number to book your practical test, this information is occasionally requested during the online booking process. If you’ve lost your certificate and have not made a note of this number, please contact the DVSA directly to make your booking. When doing this, you’ll need to provide your full name (as it appears on your provisional driving licence), your date of birth, and your driving licence number.
DVSA Contact Details:
- Telephone: 0300 200 1122 (lines are open from 8.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday)
- E-mail: [email protected]
What next?
As soon as you’ve received confirmation that you’ve passed your theory test, you’ll be able to book your practical driving test. Please note that you can select dates up to six months in the future when booking your practical test. Therefore, you don’t need to make yourself available straightaway. However, remember that you only have two years to pass the practical test from the day you receive your certificate.
If you fail your theory test, you’ll be able to immediately book a re-sit. However, you must leave a gap of at least three working days before re-taking the test. Therefore, if you fail on a Thursday, you won’t be able to sit your test until the following Wednesday. Please don’t attempt to book an earlier test slot! If you do, your test will be cancelled and you will not be eligible for a refund.
Please don’t panic if you fail! This is a reasonably difficult test, as evidenced by current pass rates. More than 50% of candidates fail this test on the first occasion, so a pass score is certainly not guaranteed.
There is no limit on the number of times you can take the theory test, so you have as many chances as you need to pass!