Urban clearways will always have their operation times clearly signposted. This will include a sign marked with ‘Urban Clearway’ and the days and times it is in operation. During these times you may only stop on an urban clearway to set down or pick up passengers. However, you must only do so for as long as is reasonable. You must also take care not to cause an obstruction to other traffic using the urban clearway.
What is an urban clearway?
Some roads, usually in towns and cities, are designated as urban clearways. A road that has been designated as an urban clearway has designated hours. During these hours vehicles are prevented from stopping in most circumstances. The designated hours will be clearly signposted and will usually be around ‘rush hour’ times. Typically, this is between 7:00-9:30 and 15:00-18:00 when commuter traffic is high. This is to ensure the free flow of commuter traffic whilst allowing for parking on the road during lower periods of demand. However, even during the hours an urban clearway is in operation, you are permitted to set down or pick up passengers if you do not cause an obstruction and do so only for the time that is reasonable.
Theory Test Question
Have you had a go at answering the theory test question: When may you stop on an urban clearway? Let’s consider each answer to check your understanding of this question.
To load or unload goods
Wrong! You are not permitted to load or unload goods on an urban clearway during the peak hours designated.
To set down and pick up passengers
Correct! The only time you may stop on an urban clearway during the designated hours is for as long as is reasonable to set down or pick up passengers. However, when doing so, you should still make sure you are not causing an obstruction to other traffic.
To ask for directions
Wrong! Asking for directions does not exempt you from the regulations governing urban clearways during designated hours. You should not stop on an urban clearway to ask for directions during the designated hours as you could cause an obstruction to traffic.
To use a mobile telephone
Wrong! It is illegal to use a handheld mobile telephone in the car behind the wheel if you are safely parked. This does not include a temporary pause at the side of the road or waiting at traffic lights. As you are not permitted to stop on an urban clearway during designated hours, you will not be able to meet the legal requirements to use a mobile telephone.