Theory Test Pass Certificate

If you manage to pass your theory test successfully, you’ll receive an official pass certificate. This is an important document, as it demonstrates that you have the required theoretical knowledge to safely operate a car. Please note that you are not allowed to take your practical driving test until you’ve passed your theory test. Although unlikely, you may need information included in this document when you come to book your practical driving test (more on this to follow). Therefore, please ensure you keep your pass certificate in a safe place.

Providing you pass the theory test, you’ll receive this certificate before leaving the test centre. To earn a certificate of competence, you must pass both parts – the multiple-choice and hazard perception elements – of the theory test. After completing your test, report to reception to receive your result.

The staff member at the reception desk will hand you an outcome letter first. This letter will confirm whether you’ve passed or failed the test. It will also enclose an overview of how you performed in the test. You’ll find out how many incorrect answers you submitted in response to multiple-choice questions, and how many points you scored in the hazard perception exercises.

You must answer at least 43 questions correctly to pass the multiple-choice segment of the test. There are 50 multiple-choice questions in total, so at least 86% of your responses must be correct. The pass mark for the hazard perception part of the test is 44 points. You’re able to score up to 5 points for each hazard you identify, and therefore there are 75 points available.

If your letter confirms that you’ve achieved the minimum pass score or higher for each test, you’ll be awarded a pass certificate.

Validity period

You have exactly two years from the date on which you receive your theory test certificate to pass your practical driving test. If you don’t manage to pass your driving test within this timeframe, you’ll unfortunately need to re-sit your theory test.

As alluded to previously, passing the theory test proves that you currently have a sufficient understanding of road safety signage, appropriate driving behaviours, and the highway code. Over two years after studying for your theory test, you may have forgotten some of the knowledge you acquired. You may also be unaware of updated regulations or changes to road safety guidance. Therefore, the DVSA mandates that car licence holders must have passed their practical driving test within two years of attaining their theory test certificate.


The theory test pass certificate is a simple and easy-to-read document. It is printed in A4 size and is presented in landscape format. It contains several pieces of key information:

  • Expiry date: If you don’t pass your practical driving test before this date, your certificate will be invalid. Therefore, it’s really important to be aware of this date.
  • Pass certificate number: The DVSA uses this number when checking to see whether you’ve passed your theory test. All certificate numbers are entered into a national database, enabling the DVSA to efficiently confirm your pass status. This check will be performed at the test centre before you take your practical driving test. Please note that in the vast majority of cases, you won’t need your pass certificate number to book your driving test. However, the DVSA may occasionally request your number at some stage throughout the booking process.
  • Name: Your full name (as it appears on your provisional driving licence).
  • Driving licence number: The number you were allocated during the provisional licence application process.
  • Test Centre ID: The unique identification number of the test centre that issued your theory test. This will be four digits long.
  • Confirmation that you’ve met the requirements set out for Category B Car drivers in Section 89 of the Road Traffic Act (1988). This section of legislation mandates that prospective and current car licence holders must pass the theory test.

What should I do if I lose my theory test certificate?

If you lose your theory test certificate, please don’t panic! Although this can occasionally cause some significant inconvenience, it normally isn’t a big deal.

As previously mentioned, you don’t usually require your pass certificate number when booking your practical test. You also don’t need to prove you have possession of this document at any stage of the booking process, or when reporting to the test centre. This is because the DVSA can perform an electronic check to see whether or not you’ve passed your theory test. If you haven’t received a theory test pass certificate, you will not be permitted to sit your driving exam.

If you’ve lost your certificate and have been asked to produce your pass certificate number during the booking process, you should contact the DVSA. You can request confirmation of your pass certificate number by phone or e-mail. When contacting the DVSA, you’ll need to provide your name (as it appears on your provisional driving licence), date of birth, and driving licence number.

DVSA Contact Details:

  • Telephone: 0300 200 1122 (lines are open from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday)
  • E-mail: [email protected]

Fraudulent theory test pass certificates

Unfortunately, some people look for ways to cheat the system. Despite the dangers involved, there have been numerous reports of candidates attempting to use fraudulent theory test pass certificates.

It is against the law to produce or purchase a fake pass certificate, and therefore, those who are guilty of either offence will face appropriate punishment. If you’re involved in the creation or usage of such documents, you could be fined, incur a driving ban, or may even be subject to criminal prosecution. Therefore, don’t take the risk.

Moreover, the circulation of fraudulent certificates serves to undermine road safety standards. If an individual has obtained a certificate without having gained the required knowledge to pass the theory test, they won’t have a strong enough understanding of the highway code. Clearly, this presents a significant risk to the individual and other road users. Whether it’s the consequence of misinterpreting the meaning of a road sign, failing to adjust their speed in adverse weather conditions, or not leaving enough space for cyclists to manoeuvre, a lack of theoretical driving knowledge could directly contribute to a major accident.

The DVSA has methods for identifying fraudulent certificates. Often, the pass certificate number instantly exposes a fake document. If an individual attempts to book a practical driving test using a fabricated pass certificate number, the DVSA database will show that there are no matching records. As all legitimate pass certificate numbers are captured on this database, fraudsters would have to copy an existing number to have any success.

A concerning trend

Just over a decade ago, several measures were introduced to make the theory test more challenging. The test began to cover some additional complex topics, the publication of new question and answer sets was halted, and foreign language interpreters were withdrawn from test centres. Consequently, pass rates immediately began to slide. Before these changes were made, around two-thirds of candidates passed the theory test first time. Nowadays, this figure is less than 50%. This has resulted in an increased demand for fraudulent certificates, as candidates try to circumnavigate a difficult test. Many of these types of documents are found online, uploaded by the owners of suspicious or bogus websites.  

If you believe someone is using or producing fake certification, please immediately share this information with the DVSA. Alternatively, you can report this offence to the police. 

Do not attempt to acquire a fraudulent pass certificate under any circumstances – even if you’ve failed the theory test on several occasions! Apart from putting yourself and other road users at potential risk, you could end up with a criminal record.