Your vehicle (HGV CPC)

Image Question Topic
What is a key anti-theft measure Jordan should advise drivers to follow? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What is a key aspect of the cockpit drill that Emma should perform before starting her journey? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What is Jordan’s responsibility regarding the safety of loads on vehicles? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What is Morgan’s responsibility regarding drivers’ hours regulations? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What load-related aspects might DVSA officers inspect during Emma’s roadside vehicle check? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What should Emma have readily available during a DVSA inspection? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What should Jordan ensure about the vehicle’s load before it leaves for a journey? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What should Morgan check as part of her daily vehicle walkaround? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What should Taylor do if a roadside check reveals a minor vehicle defect? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What steps must Jordan advise if load restraints show wear? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
What type of fuel is Taylor legally required to use for her goods vehicle? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
Why are road-speed limiters important in goods vehicles like Emma’s? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)
Why is it important for Morgan to use a tachograph? Your vehicle (HGV CPC)