Vulnerable Road Users

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You are at a road junction, turning into a minor road. There are pedestrians crossing the minor road. You should Vulnerable Road Users
You are at the front of a queue of traffic waiting to turn right into a side road. Why is it important to check your right mirror just before turning? Vulnerable Road Users
You are coming up to a roundabout. A cyclist is signalling to turn right. What should you do? Vulnerable Road Users
You are dazzled at night by a vehicle behind you. You should Vulnerable Road Users
You are driving in slow-moving queues of traffic. Just before changing lane you should Vulnerable Road Users
You are driving in town. There is a bus at the bus stop on the other side of the road. Why should you be careful? Vulnerable Road Users
You are driving on a main road. You intend to turn right into a side road. Just before turning you should Vulnerable Road Users
You are driving past a line of parked cars. You notice a ball bouncing out into the road ahead. What should you do? Vulnerable Road Users
You are driving past parked cars. You notice a bicycle wheel sticking out between them. What should you do? Vulnerable Road Users
You are driving towards a zebra crossing. A person in a wheelchair is waiting to cross. What should you do? Vulnerable Road Users
You are following a car driven by an elderly driver. You should Vulnerable Road Users
You are following a cyclist. You wish to turn left just ahead. You should Vulnerable Road Users
You are following a learner driver who stalls at a junction. You should Vulnerable Road Users
You are following a motorcyclist on an uneven road. You should Vulnerable Road Users
You are following two cyclists. They approach a roundabout in the left-hand lane. In which direction should you expect the cyclists to go? Vulnerable Road Users