Vehicle handling

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Why is it dangerous to leave rear fog lights on when they’re not needed? Vehicle handling
Why is travelling in neutral for long distances (known as coasting) wrong? Vehicle handling
Why should you always reduce your speed when travelling in fog? Vehicle handling
Why should you switch off your rear fog lights when the fog has cleared? Vehicle handling
You have to make a journey in fog. What should you do before you set out? Vehicle handling
You see these markings on the road. Why are they there? Vehicle handling
You’re braking on a wet road. Your vehicle begins to skid. It doesn’t have anti-lock brakes. What’s the first thing you should do? Vehicle handling
You’re driving at night and are dazzled by vehicle headlights coming towards you. What should you do? Vehicle handling
You’re driving down a long, steep hill. You suddenly notice that your brakes aren’t working as well as normal. What’s the usual cause of this? Vehicle handling
You’re driving down a steep hill. Why could it be dangerous to keep the clutch down or roll in neutral for too long? Vehicle handling
You’re driving in fog. Why should you keep well back from the vehicle in front? Vehicle handling
You’re driving on a motorway at night. When may you switch off your headlights? Vehicle handling
You’re driving on a well-lit motorway on a clear night. What must you do? Vehicle handling
You’re driving on an icy road. What distance from the car in front should you drive? Vehicle handling
You’re driving on the motorway in windy conditions. What should you do as you pass a high-sided vehicle? Vehicle handling