Safety and your vehicle (2021)

Image Question Topic
How could you avoid fuel from being wasted? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
How does ecosafe driving protect the environment? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
If your car’s wheels are imbalanced, what might happen? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
Is it allowed to park on zigzag lines by a zebra crossing when there are no available parking spaces elsewhere? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
Thieves looking to steal your car might be deterred by which of the following? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
What is the benefit of regular servicing of your vehicle? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
What should you do if you’re waiting at the side of the road to pick someone up, but know they might be a while? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
When is it best to check the pressure of your tyres? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
When leaving your vehicle unattended for just a few minutes, what should you do? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
When leaving your vehicle unattended, what should you do? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
Which of these causes the most environmental damage? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
Which of these schemes will reduce the risk of a car being broken into at night? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
Which of these will help reduce the impact of your vehicle on the environment? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
Which of these will increase your fuel consumption? Safety and your vehicle (2021)
Why should you plan your journey to avoid busy periods? Safety and your vehicle (2021)