Highway Code Questions

Image Question Topic
When there is no pavement, which side of the road should you keep to? Highway Code Questions
When turning right across slow-moving traffic, what should you look out for? Highway Code Questions
When turning right, how should you consider other vehicles? Highway Code Questions
When turning, how should you position your vehicle according to Rule 183? Highway Code Questions
When walking with children, where should you keep yourself? Highway Code Questions
Where are amber studs typically used? Highway Code Questions
Where are Class 3 vehicles designed to be used? Highway Code Questions
Where are lane dividers used? Highway Code Questions
Where are rounded raised bars in tactile paving used? Highway Code Questions
Where are tram lane markings typically found? Highway Code Questions
Where are you prohibited from cycling under Rule 64? Highway Code Questions
Where can you find details about using roundabouts without cycle facilities? Highway Code Questions
Where can you find information on lighting requirements for riding in the dark? Highway Code Questions
Where do you normally join a motorway from? Highway Code Questions
Where does the road become particularly hazardous near trams? Highway Code Questions