Highway Code Questions

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What action is required at a Pelican crossing with flashing amber and pedestrians crossing? Highway Code Questions
What action is required if you’ve crossed the white line when the amber light appears? Highway Code Questions
What additional gear is recommended for the horse? Highway Code Questions
What additional hazard can wet weather bring to road surfaces? Highway Code Questions
What additional measure can make riders more conspicuous in daylight? Highway Code Questions
What additional reflectors help a cyclist to be seen? Highway Code Questions
What additional users might share routes with pedestrians and cyclists? Highway Code Questions
What are advanced stop lines at junctions for, according to Rule 178? Highway Code Questions
What are areas of white diagonal stripes for? Highway Code Questions
What are blind spots referred to in Rule 159? Highway Code Questions
What are climbing and crawler lanes for? Highway Code Questions
What are cycle tracks? Highway Code Questions
What are effective ways to counter sleepiness while driving? Highway Code Questions
What are equestrian crossings designed for? Highway Code Questions
What are lane dividers? Highway Code Questions