CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security

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What checks should Gary make once the skip is loaded but before he leaves the site? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What is the best means of securing the container to the skeletal semi-trailer? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What is the main hazard facing Jonathan as he unloads his truck? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What is the maximum number of beams that can be placed on this vehicle? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What is the maximum number of steel plates that Karen can carry? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What must Wynn consider when he loads his vehicle? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What of the following is *NOT* a sensible precaution that David should take in order to minimise the risk of an accident to other people, when off-loading at a customer’s premises? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What should be the first thing that Gerry should do before uncoupling? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What would be the best equipment to use to secure this load? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
What would be the effect on the vehicle after dropping the motorcycle parts at Staines and what might Paul need to do? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
When arriving at the first drop, at which he needs to unload 6 parcels. Chris notices a single red line painted parallel to the kerb interrupted by a boxed area marked with broken red lines. What is the meaning of these markings? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
When arriving at the first drop, at which he needs to unload 6 parcels. Chris notices single yellow lines painted on the kerb and at right angles to it. What is the meaning of these markings? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
When arriving at the next drop, at which he needs to unload 6 parcels. Chris notices double red lines painted parallel to the kerb. What is the meaning of these markings? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
When checking the rest of the vehicle, the DVSA officer discovers the rear of the load is not correctly strapped and as a result of this a pallet has collapsed and is resting against the curtains where the split is. What could the DVSA officer issue Jason with for the unsafe load? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security
When pulling forward on the “tug test” Gerry notices that the jaws have clearly not engaged. What should he do? CPC Case Studies: Vehicle Loading Unloading and Security