Band 2 traffic signs and signals

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You park on a hill in a vehicle that has automatic transmission. When you leave the vehicle, in which position would you put the gear selector? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You park on the left, facing uphill. In which position should you leave the steering wheel? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You see a pedestrian with a dog. What does it mean if the dog is wearing a distinctive yellow or burgundy coat? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You see a vehicle with a flashing amber beacon ahead. What warning does this give you? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You see white diagonal lines, bounded by broken lines, painted on the road. One of their uses is to protect traffic turning right. What other purpose do these markings have? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You want to turn right at a box junction. What should you do if there’s oncoming traffic? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re about to drive down a steep hill. What should you do to control the speed of your vehicle? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re about to reverse into a side road. What should you do if you see a pedestrian who wants to cross behind your car? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re approaching a junction where the traffic lights aren’t working. What should you do when a police officer gives this signal? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re approaching a pelican crossing. What should you do if the amber light is flashing? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re approaching a red light at a puffin crossing. Pedestrians are on the crossing. When will the red light change? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re approaching this sign. Which sign are you likely to have just passed? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re approaching traffic lights. What does the amber light on its own mean? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re approaching traffic lights. What should you do if the red and amber lights are showing together? Band 2 traffic signs and signals
You’re at a junction controlled by traffic lights. When should you wait, even if the green light is showing? Band 2 traffic signs and signals