
Image Question Topic
A bus has stopped at a bus stop ahead of you. Its right-hand indicator is flashing. You should Attitude
A bus lane on your left shows no times of operation. This means it is Attitude
A flashing green beacon on a vehicle means Attitude
A long, heavily-laden lorry is taking a long time to overtake you. What should you do? Attitude
A person herding sheep asks you to stop. You should Attitude
A vehicle has a flashing green beacon. What does this mean? Attitude
A vehicle pulls out in front of you at a junction. What should you do? Attitude
At a pelican crossing the flashing amber light means you MUST Attitude
At a puffin crossing, which colour follows the green signal? Attitude
At puffin crossings, which light will not show to a driver? Attitude
At which type of crossing are cyclists allowed to ride across with pedestrians? Attitude
Diamond-shaped signs give instructions to Attitude
Following this vehicle too closely is unwise because Attitude
If your vehicle uses diesel fuel, take extra care when refuelling. Diesel fuel when spilt is Attitude
On a road where trams operate, which of these vehicles will be most at risk from the tram rails? Attitude