Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs

Image Question Topic
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this sign mean?
ماذا تعني هذه الإشارة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this traffic sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What does this traffic sign mean?
ماذا تعنى هذه العلامة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What is the maximum speed on a single carriageway road?
ما هي السرعة الوطنية القصوى على الطريق المزدوجة ذات الاتجاه الواحد؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What is the meaning of this traffic sign?
ما هو معنى هذه الإشارة؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs
What is the purpose of these yellow criss-cross lines on the road?
ما الهدف من هذه الخطوط الصفراء المتقاطعة على الطريق؟
Arabic - Road and Traffic Signs