
Image Question Topic
Which of the following may cause loss of concentration on a long journey? Alertness
Which of the following should you do before stopping? Alertness
Why are these yellow lines painted across the road? Alertness
Windscreen pillars can obstruct your view. You should take particular care when Alertness
You are approaching traffic lights that have been on green for some time. You should Alertness
You are driving at dusk. You should switch your lights on Alertness
You are driving on a motorway and want to use your mobile phone. What should you do? Alertness
You are driving on a wet road. You have to stop your vehicle in an emergency. You should Alertness
You are most likely to lose concentration when driving if you Alertness
You are travelling along this narrow country road. When passing the cyclist you should go Alertness
You are turning right onto a dual carriageway. What should you do before emerging? Alertness
You are waiting to emerge from a junction. The windscreen pillar is restricting your view. What should you be particularly aware of? Alertness
You are waiting to turn right at the end of a road. Your view is obstructed by parked vehicles. What should you do? Alertness
You cannot see clearly behind when reversing. What should you do? Alertness
You lose your way on a busy road. What is the best action to take? Alertness