Free PCV Theory Test

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A Country roads
B Motorways
C Road tunnels
D Single carriageways
Correct Answer: C Road tunnels
Explanation: Look out for restrictions on long vehicles. Length restrictions are found where there isn't much room to turn (for example, in a tunnel) or where there's a risk of grounding.
A Height
B Length
C Weight
D Width
Correct Answer: A Height
Explanation: Look out for signs giving you advance warning of height restrictions. As a professional driver, you should always know the height of your vehicle or load. If you aren't sure of the safe height, stop and check.
A Clamp ratchet spanner
B Open-end wrench
C Ring spanner
D Torque wrench
Correct Answer: D Torque wrench
Explanation: It's essential that all wheel nuts are tightened to the specified torque with a calibrated torque wrench. The wheel nuts, fixings and markers should be checked every day before you start your journey.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: A tachograph allows you to select the mode or task that you're undertaking. Time spent on that task is then recorded automatically. Each task has a different symbol. You need to know the meaning of each, so that your records are correct. The modes are: driving, doing other work, on duty and available for work, and taking a break or rest.
A Finish the journey as fast as possible
B Leave the motorway at the next exit and find a safe place to stop and rest
C Pull up on the hard shoulder and take a nap
D Stop on the central reservation and rest
Correct Answer: B Leave the motorway at the next exit and find a safe place to stop and rest
Explanation: If you're driving for long distances on a motorway, have plenty of rest stops. Many incidents have been caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel. If you feel yourself becoming tired, you need to leave the motorway and find a safe place to stop; usually this would be the next service area.
Correct Answer: A Within 24 hours
Explanation: If you don't give your name and address at the time of an incident, report it to the police as soon as you can, or in any case within 24 hours. If any other person is injured and you don't produce your insurance certificate to the police at the time of the incident, or to any other person who has reasonable grounds to request it, you must also
  • report the incident to the police as soon as possible, or in any case within 24 hours
  • produce your insurance certificate to the police either when reporting the incident or within seven days (five days in Northern Ireland) at any police station.

A Ask them questions about the incident
B Cover them with a blanket
C Give them a warm drink
D Reassure them
Correct Answer: D Reassure them
Explanation: You can help someone suffering from shock by talking to them and reassuring them confidently. Don't leave them alone or give them anything to eat or drink.
A There may be further danger
B To prepare them for the paramedics
C To put them in a more comfortable position
D You must do so as part of first aid protocol
Correct Answer: A There may be further danger
Explanation: Moving a casualty could cause further injury, so it's important that this is only done if there's danger to them where they are.
A They don't ride with lights on
B They might be obscured in blind spots
C They tend to ride at the edge of the road
D They wear fluorescent clothing
Correct Answer: B They might be obscured in blind spots
Explanation: When driving large vehicles, windscreen pillars and large mirrors can easily create blind spots as you look left and right at junctions. Altering your body position slightly while looking into the new road can give you an improved view of the traffic. If in doubt, look again and reassess the situation. Don't take chances.
A Avoiding town centres
B By filling your tank to the top when you refuel
C By leaving your engine idle
D Driving as fast as possible, but within the speed limit
Correct Answer: A Avoiding town centres
Explanation: By using a bypass, rather than joining the stop/start traffic in a town centre, you're less likely to be held up and can travel at a constant speed. Keeping to a constant speed will reduce the amount of pollution produced by your vehicle.
A Avoid filling your fuel tank fully
B Check that you've used a locking filler cap
C Ensure the filler cap is tightly fastened
D Tap your fuel gauge to ensure it's working
Correct Answer: C Ensure the filler cap is tightly fastened
Explanation: Fuel spilled on the road is a serious danger to other road users, especially motorcyclists. To prevent this from happening, make sure the filler cap is secure after refuelling.
A All lanes closed ahead
B Low bridge ahead
C Roadworks ahead
D Use the hard shoulder
Correct Answer: A All lanes closed ahead
Explanation: When the red lights are flashing, don't go beyond this signal. This sign shows that all lanes ahead are closed and you mustn't enter the motorway. Motorway signals are located on the central reservation, to the left of the hard shoulder, on overhead gantries and at the entrance to the motorway.
A Cyclists
B Large vehicles
C Oncoming traffic
D You
Correct Answer: C Oncoming traffic
Explanation: When you see this sign, you must give way to traffic from the opposite direction, regardless of the size of your vehicle.
A Lorries approaching in both directions
B No entry for large vehicles
C No entry for vehicles heavier than 32.6 tonnes
D No entry for vehicles longer than 32 feet 6 inches
Correct Answer: D No entry for vehicles longer than 32 feet 6 inches
Explanation: You need to know the length of your vehicle as well as its weight, height and width. Places where the length of your vehicle may be relevant are
  • road tunnels
  • level crossings
  • ferries
  • bridges.

A Finish the journey as fast as possible
B Stop at the services and wait for the rain to ease
C Stop on the hard shoulder and wait for the rain to ease
D Take your foot off the accelerator
Correct Answer: D Take your foot off the accelerator
Explanation: In wet conditions, water can build up between your tyres and the road surface. This is known as aquaplaning and it will cause your vehicle to slide. Try to regain control by easing off the accelerator to gradually lose speed. Don't brake or steer until your tyres are gripping the road again.
A Ideal tread depth
B Maximum load
C Maximum pressure
D Minimum temperature
Correct Answer: B Maximum load
Explanation: Tyres have codes shown on the wall of the tyre. These refer to the maximum load and speed capability of the tyre.
A When reversing in a built-up area at any time of the day
B When reversing in a built-up area between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am
C When reversing on a dual carriageway at any time of the day
D When reversing on a single carriageway at any time of the day
Correct Answer: B When reversing in a built-up area between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am
Explanation: Your vehicle will make more noise than a car, so you should try to avoid making unnecessary noise at any time of the day or night. This is especially important when you're in a residential area at a time when people are likely to be sleeping.
A Dyspraxia
B Hearing impairment
C Heart problems
D Liver disease
Correct Answer: C Heart problems
Explanation: An illness that could affect you while you're driving, such as a heart condition, may make it unsafe for you to drive. You must tell DVLA if you develop any serious illness or disability that's likely to last more than three months and that could affect your driving. Partial blindness and mental disorders can also prevent you from getting a driving licence for large vehicles.
A It allows you to be more relaxed while driving
B It allows you to brake less than you normally would
C It allows you to maintain control while braking sharply
D It lets you drive at higher speeds
Correct Answer: C It allows you to maintain control while braking sharply
Explanation: When your steering wheels are locked - as can happen in a skid - you can't steer the vehicle. Anti-lock brakes help you to keep steering control while you're braking heavily, but they aren't a substitute for good forward planning. Anticipation and planning ahead will minimise the risk of skidding more effectively than relying on your braking system.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The car is the most stable of the vehicles shown. However, all vehicles are affected by side wind and buffeting from larger vehicles. Be aware that your speed and road position could cause unnecessary turbulence when passing smaller vehicles.
21. What is a buffer lane? Mark one answer
A A designated lane for vehicles blown off course
B A lane for temporary parking
C A lane that can be used for overtaking
D A lane that should be used by large vehicles in adverse weather conditions
Correct Answer: A A designated lane for vehicles blown off course
Explanation: During high winds, one of the lanes on a high bridge might be closed to traffic to create a buffer lane. The buffer lane is kept free to prevent vehicles from being blown into the path of other road users in the next lane. The closure of this lane may cause traffic congestion and delay.
Correct Answer: B Cars towing caravans
Explanation: remember that the buffeting caused by large vehicles can affect other road users, including
  • cars towing caravans
  • motorcyclists.

A Coaches
B Curtain-sided vehicles
C Forklifts
D Tractors
Correct Answer: B Curtain-sided vehicles
Explanation: In very windy conditions, certain types of vehicle can be blown off course. These include box vans, curtain-siders, caravans and motorcycles. Make allowances for how the wind might affect these vehicles, especially if you're overtaking.
A In the middle lane
B Near slip roads
C Near the central reservation
D On viaducts
Correct Answer: D On viaducts
Explanation: On motorways, be especially careful when driving over bridges and viaducts. The road here is exposed and in windy weather there's a risk of strong side wind, which may blow you off course or even blow your vehicle over. In severe windy weather, these routes are often closed to drivers of high-sided vehicles.
A It could cause them to slow down
B It could cause them to speed up
C It could impair their hearing
D It could reduce their vision
Correct Answer: D It could reduce their vision
Explanation: Spray-suppression equipment reduces the amount of spray thrown up to other road users. Check the equipment regularly to make sure it's secure and undamaged.
A Water between the road and tyres
B Water entering the engine
C Water in the brakes
D Water in the suspension
Correct Answer: A Water between the road and tyres
Explanation: If a build-up of water prevents the tyres from gripping the road, the steering can become unresponsive. If this happens, ease off the accelerator and slow down gradually.
A Assume it will go away after you start driving
B It's not a major fault so you can carry on driving
C Keep the parking brake on
D Switch of the engine as soon as possible
Correct Answer: C Keep the parking brake on
Explanation: Even though the warning light is showing, there may be sufficient pressure to release the parking brake. However, you mustn't do this, because there may not be enough air pressure to operate the service brake.
A Allow pedestrians already crossing to get to the other side of the road
B Allow pedestrians waiting on the pavement to cross
C Continue as normal under any circumstance as it's your right of way
D Stop and wait
Correct Answer: A Allow pedestrians already crossing to get to the other side of the road
Explanation: Pedestrians use push-button controls to activate the signals. Pelican crossings have no red-and-amber stage before green. Instead, they have a flashing amber light. This means you must give way to pedestrians on the crossing, but you may proceed if the crossing is clear.
A Clear the crossing as soon as possible
B Continue at a normal speed
C If there are any pedestrians waiting, wave them across
D Slow down and get ready to stop, and leave it clear where there is traffic
Correct Answer: D Slow down and get ready to stop, and leave it clear where there is traffic
Explanation: When traffic is heavy, plan well ahead so that you don't block crossings. Leave them clear so that pedestrians can cross safely.
A Opening the windows
B The radio
C Tiredness
D Wearing glasses
Correct Answer: C Tiredness
Explanation: Tiredness can seriously affect your concentration - even to the point of falling asleep. You always need to be alert so that you can safely deal with the constantly changing environment around your vehicle.
A Allow some time to pass after drinking alcohol
B Avoid alcohol completely
C Don't drink if you're taking medication
D Only drink if the journey home is a short one
Correct Answer: B Avoid alcohol completely
Explanation: Avoiding alcohol will always be the safest option. There are many factors that influence how alcohol will affect you, such as height, weight and gender. It's better not to risk a single alcoholic drink before you drive.
A Certain medication may affect your hearing
B Certain medication will reduce your reaction time
C You'll have to inform the DVLA about your medication
D You'll have to inform the police about your medication
Correct Answer: B Certain medication will reduce your reaction time
Explanation: Some medicines can have side-effects that affect your driving. Ask your doctor whether you'll be safe to drive while taking the medicine that's been prescribed.
A Ask someone to accompany you on your journey
B Cough medicine doesn't have any side effects so it should be safe to drive
C Drink some coffee to counteract any potential side effects of the medicine
D Find out whether the medicine could affect your driving by consulting the label or by asking a pharmacist/doctor
Correct Answer: D Find out whether the medicine could affect your driving by consulting the label or by asking a pharmacist/doctor
Explanation: Never drive after taking drugs you don't know about. They might affect your judgement and perception - and, therefore, endanger lives.
A Be ready to slow down
B Continue as normal and force the large vehicle to slow down or stop
C Drive at the fastest speed possible
D Put your foot down to get ahead of it
Correct Answer: A Be ready to slow down
Explanation: It's not always possible for drivers in the left-hand lane to change lanes to let joining traffic merge. However, you should be ready to adjust your speed to help the joining driver merge safely.
Correct Answer: A Any direction
Explanation: When following cyclists onto a roundabout, be aware that they might not take the exit you expect them to. Cyclists approaching in the left-hand lane may be turning right. They may not have been able to get into the correct lane due to heavy traffic, so give them room.
A Expect them to make mistakes and remain patient
B Flash your lights and move close to them
C Overtake them as soon as safely possible
D Tailgate them so they speed up
Correct Answer: A Expect them to make mistakes and remain patient
Explanation: Learners might take longer to react to traffic situations. Don't unnerve and intimidate them by driving up close behind.
A Continue as it's your right of way
B Have patience and give them plenty of time to cross
C Sound your horn lightly to warn them of your presence
D Wave them across
Correct Answer: B Have patience and give them plenty of time to cross
Explanation: Don't hurry elderly people across the road by getting too close to them or revving the engine. Be aware that they might take longer to cross. They might also have hearing difficulties and not hear you approaching.
A Flash your headlights at the cyclist
B Overtake the cyclist as soon as safely possible
C Sound your horn and signal so the cyclist makes way
D Stay back and maintain a good distance from the cyclist until they have cleared the junction
Correct Answer: D Stay back and maintain a good distance from the cyclist until they have cleared the junction
Explanation: Make allowances for cyclists. Allow them plenty of room, and be aware that they also have to deal with hazards. They might swerve or change direction suddenly to avoid uneven road surfaces.
A Air in the brake fluid
B Faulty suspension
C Overheating brakes
D Worn brake discs
Correct Answer: C Overheating brakes
Explanation: Continuous use of the brakes on a long downhill gradient can cause them to overheat and become ineffective. This is called brake fade. You should use a low gear to enable the engine's braking effect to help control your speed. Also use the vehicle's retarder, if fitted. As well as reducing the likelihood of brake fade, this helps to keep air pressure in the tanks.
A In foggy conditions
B On dry roads
C On icy roads
D On wet roads
Correct Answer: B On dry roads
Explanation: In good dry conditions, you should leave a two-second gap between your vehicle and the one ahead. When the weather is bad, you'll have to keep a greater distance, because it will take you longer to stop. In wet weather it will take up to twice the distance; in icy weather this could increase to ten times as far.
A Flash your hazard warning lights to say thank you
B Move back to the left immediately
C Move back to the left when you see it's safe
D Slow down
Correct Answer: C Move back to the left when you see it's safe
Explanation: Never presume what someone means when they flash their headlights, as they might be signalling to someone else. Use your own judgement and wait until it's safe to complete your manoeuvre.
A Better concentration
B Better coordination
C Increased alertness
D Reduced reaction time
Correct Answer: D Reduced reaction time
Explanation: Drinking alcohol will reduce your ability to drive safely. One drink is too many if you're going to drive.
A Bus stop
B Maximum authorised mass
C Maximum weight of load
D Tramway speed limit
Correct Answer: D Tramway speed limit
Explanation: Trams are becoming increasingly common in large towns and cities, as the move to more environmentally friendly transport continues. They may either cross the road you're driving on or share it with you. Always be aware of their virtually silent approach, and look out for places where you may be required to give way to them.
A Debris could be strewn into their path
B It might cause oil to leak on the road causing the surface to become slippery
C It might cause skid marks
D It might damage the road
Correct Answer: A Debris could be strewn into their path
Explanation: When a tyre explodes, fragments are thrown over a wide area. This can create a serious hazard for other drivers. You should regularly check your tyres for cuts, damage and pressure. Frequent checks and proper maintenance can help prevent a blow-out.
A Come to a complete stop before the roundabout
B Continue at a normal speed
C Engine brake
D Slow down in good time
Correct Answer: D Slow down in good time
Explanation: The entrances to roundabouts are often worn. This can make the surface slippery, especially when it's wet. You should plan your approach and brake in good time.
A It'll take longer to overtake the vehicle
B You might be forced to use a higher gear
C You'll be able to overtake the vehicle quicker
D Your vehicle might stall
Correct Answer: A It'll take longer to overtake the vehicle
Explanation: Always plan well ahead before overtaking. Take into consideration the size of your vehicle and whether there's a gradient ahead. The load on your vehicle will slow you down on an uphill gradient. It may be better to wait until you're on the level before trying to overtake.
A The DVLA website
B The local council
C The vehicle handbook
D The vehicle log book (V5C)
Correct Answer: C The vehicle handbook
Explanation: The vehicle handbook will clearly explain what maintenance may be carried out by the driver. Always refer to it and comply with the safety guidance that it contains. However, you need to be aware of your employer's policy on making any minor repairs.
A To get the attention of someone you know
B To give way to someone
C To let another road user know they've annoyed you
D To warn another road user of a hazard
Correct Answer: D To warn another road user of a hazard
Explanation: The horn shouldn't be used between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am in a built-up area. The only exception is when another road user is unaware of you and poses a danger.
A Continue, it is your right of way
B Signal the person to cross
C Slow down and be prepared to stop
D Sound your horn to warn them not to cross
Correct Answer: C Slow down and be prepared to stop
Explanation: Prepare to slow down and stop, as you would for a person without a disability. Don't wave them across, as other traffic may not stop.
A Flash the motorcyclist
B Overtake as soon as safely possible
C Sound your horn to alert them of their road manner
D Stay behind and maintain the correct separation distance
Correct Answer: D Stay behind and maintain the correct separation distance
Explanation: The motorcyclist might be turning right, changing direction or unsure of their destination. Stay behind until the rider has made a move or you're sure you can pass safely. Don't intimidate them by moving too close.
A No waiting or parking here under any circumstance
B Parking only permitted if dropping off children
C Parking only permitted if you don't leave your car
D You can't drive over these road markings
Correct Answer: A No waiting or parking here under any circumstance
Explanation: Parking on the yellow zigzag lines will block the view of the school entrance. This will endanger the lives of children wanting to cross the road on their way to and from school.
A To prevent accidents
B To reduce congestion
C To reduce incidents of road rage
D To stop vehicles from overtaking
Correct Answer: B To reduce congestion
Explanation: Smart motorways are intended to reduce congestion and make journey times more reliable. In these areas, the hard shoulder may be used as a running lane to ease congestion at peak times or when an incident occurs. The variable speed limits shown in red circles are mandatory and help to keep traffic flowing at a steady speed.
A Obey them at all times
B Only follow them when there is a lot of traffic
C They are only applicable during the day
D You should drive at the speed limit
Correct Answer: A Obey them at all times
Explanation: When a smart motorway is in operation, you must follow the instructions shown on the gantries above each lane. There may also be instructions above the hard shoulder. The signals displayed are mandatory and may be enforced with camera technology.
A Ask someone and try to remember the details
B Find the route on the internet and print it off
C Plan your route around the areas you're accustomed with
D Rely on road signs
Correct Answer: B Find the route on the internet and print it off
Explanation: Print or write down your route before setting out. Some places aren't well signed, so using both place names and road numbers may help you avoid getting lost. Find out how far you'll be travelling and plan your rest stops into the route.
A Brake fade will increase
B Fuel consumption will be reduced by about 15%
C Journey times will be reduced by about 15%
D You will use more fuel
Correct Answer: B Fuel consumption will be reduced by about 15%
Explanation: By driving smoothly, you'll reduce fuel consumption by about 15%, and you'll reduce the amount of wear and tear on your vehicle. You'll also feel more relaxed and have a more pleasant journey.
A £2000 for a group of immigrants
B £2000 for each immigrant
C £4000 for each immigrant
D Unlimited fine
Correct Answer: B £2000 for each immigrant
Explanation: If convicted, the current fine for each illegal immigrant brought into the UK is £2000. This fine can be imposed on each responsible person; this includes the vehicle driver, owner and hirer.
A Eating and resting properly
B Having the window open
C Keeping the radio on
D Not eating during your shift
Correct Answer: A Eating and resting properly
Explanation: Being as healthy and alert as possible will make you safer on the road. Take regular meal and rest breaks, and keep to foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as bread and vegetables. These release energy slowly and will keep you satisfied for longer than foods with a high sugar content.
A At the very beginning of your shift
B Don't eat during your shift
C In the middle of your shift
D While driving
Correct Answer: A At the very beginning of your shift
Explanation: Concentration will be improved by eating regular, light meals timed to fit in with your scheduled rest periods. If you don't eat at all, your blood sugar levels will drop and you'll feel tired. If you just eat snack foods, most of which are sugary or high in fat, your energy levels will peak and then drop - and eating while you're driving is a dangerous distraction.
A Company card
B Control card
C Driver card
D Workshop card
Correct Answer: B Control card
Explanation: Various types of smart card are used in digital tachograph systems:
  • driver card, used by drivers
  • company card, used by operators
  • workshop card, available only to approved calibration centres
  • control card, available only to Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) officials and the police, for carrying out enforcement.

Correct Answer: B Exhaust emissions
Explanation: Local-authority environmental health departments check vehicles' exhaust emissions. They have the power to prosecute the driver and the operator, as do enforcement bodies such as DVSA.
A Be aware of hazards
B Don't miss out gears when changing them
C Drive as fast as possible, but within the speed limit
D Keep your windows open to let fresh air circulate through your vehicle
Correct Answer: A Be aware of hazards
Explanation: Driving in an ecosafe manner means that you plan well ahead for hazards and react in good time. This can save fuel and is therefore good for the environment.
A If the seat belt is very uncomfortable
B If you're exempt due to medical reasons and hold a certificate
C When driving at low speeds
D When driving on the motorway
Correct Answer: B If you're exempt due to medical reasons and hold a certificate
Explanation: When seat belts are fitted to your vehicle, they must be worn unless you hold a valid medical exemption certificate. People making deliveries or collections in goods vehicles are also exempt, when they're travelling less than 50 metres (162 feet).
A Braking often
B Driving in a high gear
C Using a sunroof
D Using air conditioning
Correct Answer: D Using air conditioning
Explanation: Using air conditioning continuously can increase fuel consumption by about 15%. Think of the environment and only use it when it's necessary.
A Drive without it
B Leave it in your previous vehicle
C Take it with and use it in the new vehicle
D Use a new chart in the new vehicle
Correct Answer: C Take it with and use it in the new vehicle
Explanation: When changing vehicles, you should also record certain pieces of information, including the closing odometer reading, the registration number of the new vehicle, the odometer start reading and the time of the vehicle change.
A Every four years
B Every three years
C Every two years
D Every year
Correct Answer: C Every two years
Explanation: An analogue tachograph must be checked every two years and recalibrated and sealed every six years. This must be done at an approved calibration centre. Digital tachographs, unlike analogue ones, must be recalibrated every two years.
A Coach
B Four-by-four
C Motorcycle
D Tractor
Correct Answer: C Motorcycle
Explanation: Motorcycles can be very vulnerable to strong side wind. Allow extra room when overtaking them in windy weather. Check your nearside mirror while alongside and before moving back to the left.
A Bottled water
B Coffee
C Energy drinks
D Fizzy drinks
Correct Answer: A Bottled water
Explanation: Water is the ideal drink, because it quenches your thirst for longer than tea or coffee. It's a good idea to carry water when you're driving, especially in very hot weather. The medical profession recommends that you drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day.
Correct Answer: D 28
Explanation: The smart card will record information covering a period of about 28 days. If you use it beyond this period, some of the recorded information will be overwritten.
A Driving licence
B Insurance documents
C Operator documentation
D Vehicle log book
Correct Answer: C Operator documentation
Explanation: Operators must set up an 'effective system' to prevent the carriage of illegal immigrants. This should include documentation with advice on vehicle security and a list of checks to be made. These papers should be produced immediately if an immigration officer asks to see them.
A Every 10 years
B Every 2 years
C Every 5 years
D Every year
Correct Answer: C Every 5 years
Explanation: You must take 35 hours of training every five years to maintain your Driver CPC. This can be done at any time during the five years: all at once or split into sessions of at least seven hours each. The penalties for non-compliance are the same as those for driving without a licence.
Correct Answer: B 7
Explanation: As a professional driver, you have a responsibility to report any loss or theft of your digital smart card. You must inform the nearest relevant authority within seven days.
A It evaporates
B It expands
C It shrinks
D Nothing
Correct Answer: B It expands
Explanation: On a hot day, the fuel in your tank will expand. If this happens when the tank has been filled to the brim, fuel will spill onto the road. This can be very dangerous or even fatal for other road users - especially motorcyclists. Allow for this expansion when filling your tank.
Correct Answer: B 40%
Explanation: Research shows that approximately 40% of SRVIs involve commercial vehicles. The consequences are usually very serious because of the size of the vehicle and the fact that there is no braking before the impact.
A It is completely safe to use
B It will allow you to keep up to date with traffic news
C It will distract you
D It will help you to concentrate
Correct Answer: C It will distract you
Explanation: While you're using a phone, your attention will be divided between the call and the road. This means you're unable to take in all that's happening around your vehicle. You need to be concentrating on your driving all of the time, and especially when dealing with a hazard.
A It gives better fuel consumption
B It helps remove contaminants from your vehicle's engine oil
C It increases the amount of oil passing into the engine
D It prevents the brakes from seizing
Correct Answer: B It helps remove contaminants from your vehicle's engine oil
Explanation: As the lubricating oil is pumped around the engine, it collects tiny fragments of metal from the moving parts. The oil filter is designed to remove these fragments. Most filters are designed to be replaced at service intervals.
A A head restraint
C An air suspension seat
D Not wearing a seatbelt
Correct Answer: A A head restraint
Explanation: If you're in a collision, a properly adjusted head restraint can help to reduce the risk of neck injury. However, an incorrectly adjusted head restraint could worsen any damage to your neck.
A Country roads
B Motorways
C Suburban areas
D Urban areas
Correct Answer: B Motorways
Explanation: Driving at a constant speed for long periods, such as on a motorway, can cause drowsiness. Falling asleep while driving accounts for a significant proportion of vehicle incidents. You should plan and take regular rest stops, but if you feel the onset of tiredness between these breaks, stop and rest in a safe place.
Correct Answer: A DVLA
Explanation: In Great Britain, a replacement smart card can only be obtained from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). In Northern Ireland, they're available from the Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA).
A About 1 tonne
B About 2 tonnes
C About 3 tonnes
D About 4 tonnes
Correct Answer: B About 2 tonnes
Explanation: You must be aware of the maximum authorised mass (MAM) of your vehicle. This refers to its total weight, including both passengers and luggage. Fifteen passengers would add approximately 1 tonne to the weight of your vehicle. You should also allow for any luggage that they may be carrying.
Correct Answer: C 60 mph
Explanation: Don't be tempted to drive on the limiter when using dual carriageway roads. The speed limit for passenger-carrying vehicles is 60 mph. Be considerate to faster-moving traffic by not using the middle or outside lanes unnecessarily.
A At least 15 minutes
B At least 45 minutes
C At least an hour
D At least half an hour
Correct Answer: B At least 45 minutes
Explanation: After a driving for a period of no more than 4.5 hours, you must take a break of at least 45 minutes, which mustn't be interrupted. If you're carrying passengers, they'll probably also be grateful for a break. Taking breaks at the correct time will keep you and your passengers safe and comfortable.
A Passengers getting off the bus
B Passengers on the phone or listening to music
C Passengers on the upper deck
D People on the opposite side of the road
Correct Answer: A Passengers getting off the bus
Explanation: Check your nearside external and internal mirrors before you move away, in case anyone is attempting to board or leave your vehicle. Always give passengers time to be seated safely before you move away.
A Children under a certain height aren't allowed on the bus
B There may be children on the bus
C There may be disabled people on the bus
D There must be an adult supervising children on the bus
Correct Answer: B There may be children on the bus
Explanation: If you're carrying children on your vehicle and it isn't on a scheduled route used by the general public, the bus must display this sign to the front and rear. When carrying children to and from school, it's likely that you'll have to make several stops in places other than recognised bus stops. Think carefully before you stop. Don't cause unnecessary inconvenience to other road users.
A So you can hear passengers better
B To give the engine a break
C To reduce exhaust emissions
D To reduce noise pollution
Correct Answer: C To reduce exhaust emissions
Explanation: When you're stationary for any length of time (for example, in a traffic jam), switch off your engine. This will cut exhaust emissions and so help to protect the environment.
Correct Answer: A 15%
Explanation: Avoid using air-conditioning systems for long periods, as they can increase fuel consumption by about 15%. Try to drive with fuel economy and the environment in mind.
A Tell the passenger to sit at the back of the bus because there is more room there
B Tell the passenger to stand at the front of the bus so they can get off quicker
C Tell the passengers to sit upstairs because there is more room there
D Wait until they have sat down before driving away
Correct Answer: D Wait until they have sat down before driving away
Explanation: Try to wait until your passengers have sat down before you move off. This is even more important if they're elderly or have difficulty walking. Offer help when you think it might be needed - and remember, a smile goes a long way.
A Allow it to idle before stopping
B Put the vehicle into reverse before stopping
C Rev the vehicle several times before stopping
D Turn the engine off as soon as you stop
Correct Answer: A Allow it to idle before stopping
Explanation: You should always allow engines fitted with turbochargers to idle for about a minute before stopping the engine. This prevents the turbine bearings from being starved of oil.
Correct Answer: C Pedestrians
Explanation: If you've been stopped for some time at a bus stop or in a bus station, be aware that cyclists and pedestrians, especially children, can enter your blind spots. They may be out of sight below the windscreen line. Always take all-round observation before manoeuvring, whether you're moving away, parking or reversing.
A When ABS is activated
B When the secondary braking system is activated
C When travelling at 12 mph (10 km/h) or more
D When travelling at 6 mph (10 km/h) or more
Correct Answer: D When travelling at 6 mph (10 km/h) or more
Explanation: Every vehicle fitted with anti-lock brakes must have a warning light in the cab of the vehicle. The warnings may differ between manufacturers, but on all types the warning light should come on when the ignition is switched on, and turn off when the vehicle reaches a speed of 6 mph (10 km/h). If the light stays on, there may be a fault; you should have the brakes checked before continuing your journey.
A Carry on and report it to the depot after your shift
B Drive slowly and carefully
C Stop and fix the issue if you're able to
D Tell the passengers to return to their seats
Correct Answer: C Stop and fix the issue if you're able to
Explanation: If exhaust fumes are getting into the vehicle, this could be a danger to your passengers. Stop as soon as it's safe to do so and have the fault put right before continuing.
A Seat numbers
B The location of the emergency-exit
C The maximum capacity of the bus
D Your name tag and employee number
Correct Answer: B The location of the emergency-exit
Explanation: Make sure that your vehicle displays all the information required by law (the 'legal lettering'): the seating/standing capacity and the locations of the emergency exit, fuel cut-off switch and electrical isolator.
A Check if there is anybody left on-board
B Check to see if the bus is clean and tidy
C Put the hazard warning lights on
D Put your parking brake on
Correct Answer: D Put your parking brake on
Explanation: Don't park where you'll cause obstruction or inconvenience to other road users. It's an offence to leave your bus with the engine running and/or without applying the parking brake.
A Completing the tachograph
B Keeping your bus clean and tidy
C Sticking to your schedule
D The safety and wellbeing your passengers
Correct Answer: D The safety and wellbeing your passengers
Explanation: Bus drivers have responsibilities beyond those of other drivers. Your passengers have paid for a service, and they should arrive at their chosen destination safely. Customers are more likely to travel with you again if they receive a safe, courteous and comfortable service.
A Braking or swerving sharply might cause them to fall
B Children can't use the stairs
C The elderly shouldn't use the stairs
D The stairs shouldn't be used to certain times of the day
Correct Answer: A Braking or swerving sharply might cause them to fall
Explanation: You must always be aware of anyone using the stairs. Be particularly careful to avoid any sudden movement, such as when braking or cornering, as this could cause passengers to stumble.
A When all the passengers are sat down in seats
B When requested by passengers
C When you have no passengers on-board
D You can turn the lights off anytime at your discretion
Correct Answer: C When you have no passengers on-board
Explanation: Whenever passengers are on board, the interior lighting must be left on. It may be turned off when the bus is empty.
A Ask other passengers already on the bus to help
B Ask them to hurry up as you have a schedule to stick to
C Offer assistance
D Remain in your seat as you're unable to leave
Correct Answer: C Offer assistance
Explanation: Disabled people like to keep their independence. However, if they're having problems, be prepared to offer help.
A Car drivers
B Cyclists
C Nothing; it safe to continue
D People leave buses
Correct Answer: D People leave buses
Explanation: Bus stations are busy places. If people are in a rush, they may not always look properly before getting off a bus. Keep your speed down and look for manoeuvring vehicles or pedestrians stepping into your path.
A Lorry
B Mobility scooter
C Motorcycle
D Taxi
Correct Answer: D Taxi
Explanation: The bus-lane signs will indicate which road users are allowed to share the lane with buses and any time restrictions that may apply. Taxis are often allowed to use bus lanes, as these lanes provide a route that has less congestion and can therefore be quicker.
A Call the depot to confirm how heavy your vehicle is and whether if would be safe to proceed
B Continue as normal because the sign doesn't apply to you
C Don't go beyond the sign and find another route
D Stop immediately
Correct Answer: B Continue as normal because the sign doesn't apply to you
Explanation: The sign shows the maximum authorised mass for goods vehicles. It's used to restrict heavy lorries (for example, in residential areas), but it doesn't apply to buses and coaches.
A Because it will take too much time to accommodate for the wheelchair user and you might fall behind schedule
B If there are passengers standing in the designated wheelchair area and are unable to move elsewhere due to a lack of space
C If you're unfamiliar with how to fold a particular type of wheelchair
D Letting the wheelchair user on may inconvenience other passengers
Correct Answer: B If there are passengers standing in the designated wheelchair area and are unable to move elsewhere due to a lack of space
Explanation: If a wheelchair space is occupied by standing passengers and luggage, you might not be able to allow a wheelchair user on the bus. This may occur on a bus that's almost full to capacity. You won't have failed in your statutory duties towards the wheelchair user.