Why was Driver CPC Module 4 Introduced?

The Practical Demonstration Test of the Driver CPC was introduced to ensure new drivers of Large Goods Vehicles (LGVs) or buses can demonstrate a variety of operations that you are required to be able to do to meet legal requirements. These are covered by the 5 topic areas in the syllabus of the Driver CPC. The test allows you to prove to an examiner that you can carry out the following vital operations safely:
1. Safe Loading
You will be required to demonstrate that you can prepare safely for duty. You will need to show that you know how to check your vehicle’s fitness for service. This includes ensuring that the vehicle is securely loaded in accordance with safety rules.
2. Vehicle Security Check
You will be required to demonstrate you know how to ensure the security of your vehicle and its contents.
3. Prevent Trafficking
The examiner will need to see that you know appropriate measures to take to prevent illegal trafficking taking place involving your vehicle.
4. Emergency Situation Assessments
You will need to show you understand about safe working practices and how to implement these in various emergency situations.
5. Preventing Physical Injury
The examiner will expect you to show awareness of the appropriate movement and postures, the importance of physical and mental fitness, demonstrate handling, and personal protection through healthy behaviours.
How does the Driver CPC Module 4 Test work?
The CPC Module 4 assessment takes 30 minutes to complete. Your examiner will expect you to explain your reasons for certain actions. They will also ask you to demonstrate these actions in practice where possible. The examiner will explain certain scenarios and you will have to explain and show how to respond appropriately. They will ask between 5 and 6 questions about potential real-life situations you could face in your working life. In order to pass, you will need an overall pass mark of 80% and at least 75% for each area you are tested on from the 5 areas listed above.
To take this test you are also required to provide a compliant vehicle that meets the minimum test vehicle standards set for the Practical Demonstration Test. In order to pass, you will also be required to use this vehicle to demonstrate your knowledge. The requirements for vehicles intended for use for the CPC module 4 tests are largely the same as the specifications for the practical test for the acquisition of the LGV licence. More specifically, the presented vehicle can be from the C1, C1+E, C and C+E test categories and be able to reach 50mph. It must also meet the following requirements:
- Be fitted with L-plates (or D-plates in Wales).
- Have 2 sets of externally mounted mirrors on the near and offsides. 1 set of these is to be positioned for the driver and 1 for the examiner.
- Have the necessary number of seat belts for passengers.
- Have a tachograph.
- Have an anti-lock braking system (ABS).
Who can carry out Driver CPC tests?
Various organisations can apply to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) if they have an eligible assessor to carry out the Driver CPC part 4 practical demonstration tests. Organisations can apply to the DVSA to do this if:
- they are an LGV training organisation.
- they are a haulage company.
- they are a bus or coach company.
- they are LGV or PCV industry training associates.
- they are a Driver CPC periodic training centre.
In order to be eligible for nomination as an assessor the person must meet the following 3 requirements:
- hold a full vocation driving licence in the relevant category being tested;
- be recognised as a ‘fit and proper person’, and;
- have passed the assessor training course for the DVSA Driver CPC part 4.
How to prepare for the Driver CPC Module 4 test
As outlined above, you will be tested on 6 different areas during the Driver CPC Module 4 test.
Area 1: Safe Loading
Demonstrating vehicle loading with appropriate regard for vehicle use and safety rules.
You will need to demonstrate to the examiner that you know how to:
- calculate total vehicle weight taking account loaded goods;
- recognise if the vehicle has been overloaded or improperly loaded in some other way, and;
- secure and safely distribute loads you may be required to carry on your vehicle so that they and the vehicle will maintain stability on the road.
Area 2: Vehicle Security Check
Demonstrate good knowledge of how to secure the vehicle and its contents at all times.
You will need to show the examiner that you know how to:
- keep your vehicle secure and know the steps you need to take to reduce the risk of theft when parked with special attention for night time parking;
- undertake physical checks of the breaks to ensure they are operating correctly and what should be done if a fault is found. You will also need to demonstrate an understanding of how the braking system functions;
- carry out proper checks of all of the wheels, tyres, and other equipment, such as spray suppression equipment, on your vehicle. You will have to do the same with a trailer if carrying one and ensure everything is in a good and serviceable condition;
- demonstrate your knowledge of the clearances required in relation to your vehicle’s physical dimensions. You will have to explain the restrictions that could apply due to these dimensions and show you are aware of overhanging or projecting objects when practically driving;
- how to check the vehicle controls and gauges as part of your ‘Cockpit Drill’ and the action to take when a warning light is showing.
Area 3: Prevent Trafficking
Demonstrate the ability to prevent trafficking and criminality.
You will need to show the examiner that you know how to:
- keep your vehicle and its contents secure in relation to potential trafficking. You will have to explain best practice procedures you should implement when crossing borders with particular reference given to leaving and returning the United Kingdom;
- make necessary checks to comply with crossing borders legislation. You will need to explain how to spot where illegal packages or people being trafficked may have been hidden inside your vehicle or the goods you are carrying;
- check that your vehicle is securely fitted with TIR cords;
- check for signs of tampering of these cords and when you may need to do it on your journey;
- spot where traffickers may target on your vehicle to gain access to it;
- meet the requirements of the anti-trafficking system implemented by your company, and;
- safely keep the appropriate paperwork in an accessible area for the duration of your journey.
An important note on trafficking – This is a key area covered by the test. Because this is an important part of the test, there are also heavy fines if LGV drivers are found to be carrying stowaways even if this happens accidentally. There should be systems in place to protect vehicles put in place by the companies you work for. If your work will involve travelling outside of the European Union then it is important to learn about the Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) procedures in detail.
Area 4: Emergency Situation Assessments
Demonstrate the ability to both assess and manage emergency situations
You will need to show the examiner that you know how to:
- manage extreme weather with attention given to diesel fuel and appropriate driving visual aids;
- adopt the appropriate emergency procedure in the event your vehicle catches on fire. You will also need to identify which fire extinguisher should be used to tackle specific fires and note the various types of extinguishers, and;
- safely get into and exit your vehicle and demonstrate how to give proper regard to pedestrians and other road users.
Area 5: Preventing Physical Injury
Demonstrate skills reducing potential risks for physical injuries
You will need to show the examiner that you know how to:
- take the necessary precautions before you starting your vehicle’s engine, and;
- carry out the safety checks you need to make of your vehicle every time before you start any journey. You are permitted to use a safety check sheet for drivers.
Your examiner will tell you on the day whether or not you have passed. If you fail, it is possible to book a re-test on the same day, but this will take at least 3 days to be cleared.