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A Another vehicle may be endangering them
B It will increase your journey time
C They may not all be ready to cross
D They might think you're making a rude gesture
Correct Answer: A Another vehicle may be endangering them
Explanation: Reduce your speed and get ready to stop if you see people waiting at a pedestrian crossing. Don't prompt them to cross the road by gesturing to them. This could be potentially dangerous as other drivers may not be able to stop in time if they fail to see the pedestrians.
A To allow them to see better
B To be more visible
C To give way to you
D To prevent a flat battery
Correct Answer: B To be more visible
Explanation: Because motorcycles are harder to see than larger vehicles, riders sometimes use dipped headlights during the day to make themselves more visible.
A 40 mph
B 50 mph
C 60 mph
D 70 mph
Correct Answer: D 70 mph
Explanation: The national speed limit for motorcycles and cars on a motorway is 70 mph. You should aim to be in the left-hand lane whenever possible, using the lanes to the right for overtaking. Ensure you're in the left-hand lane well before your exit junction, and reduce your speed once you're on the slip road. Keep an eye out for sharp bends and queues on slip roads.
A 30 mph is the maximum speed allowed
B 30 mph is the minimum speed allowed
C End of 30 miles per hour minimum speed limit
D Maximum speed ends here
Correct Answer: C End of 30 miles per hour minimum speed limit
Explanation: This sign indicates that the 30 mph minimum speed limit has ended. Signs with red slashes through them signal the end of a restriction.
A Only on the left
B Only on the right
C The left or the right
D You should not overtake on a one-way street
Correct Answer: C The left or the right
Explanation: It's permitted to overtake on either side on a one-way street. Take the usual precautions, checking your mirrors and blind spots before overtaking. Pay attention to road markings and signs, and make sure overtaking doesn't leave you in the wrong lane for your destination.
A No right turn
B No traffic permitted from the right
C The road bends right
D The road to the right is closed
Correct Answer: A No right turn
Explanation: This is a 'no right turn' sign. It may be that turning right at the junction would be particularly dangerous, or that the adjoining road is a one-way road.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: The dual carriageway will shortly become a single carriageway. If overtaking, be sure that you're back into the left lane well before the dual carriageway ends.
A Do not overtake until you can see the road ahead clearly
B Move out to view the road ahead
C Overtake quickly
D Turn on your headlights, then overtake
Correct Answer: A Do not overtake until you can see the road ahead clearly
Explanation: This sign indicates that overtaking is not allowed here. This could be because of a hidden dip in the road. Hidden dips are particularly dangerous, as they can hide oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, and parked vehicles.
A 40 mph
B 50 mph
C 60 mph
D 70 mph
Correct Answer: C 60 mph
Explanation: 60 mph is the maximum speed on a single carriageway road. Be aware of this especially in instances where a national speed limit dual carriage way filters down to a single lane. The speed limit will change but may not be signposted. Slow down gradually ahead of the change in the road. Learn speed limits for different roads from The Highway Code.
A A hospital
B A level crossing
C A playground
D A school crossing
Correct Answer: D A school crossing
Explanation: This lights indicate a school crossing nearby. Keep your speed low and be prepared to stop if children are crossing.
A End of dual carriageway
B End of motorway
C End of national speed limit
D End of restriction
Correct Answer: D End of restriction
Explanation: This sign indicates the end of a temporary motorway restriction. The start of a temporary restriction is indicated by signs with flashing amber lights.
A No, only stop when you need to refuel
B No, you should get the journey over and done with as quickly as possible
C Yes, you are required to do so by law
D Yes, you should plan regular stops
Correct Answer: D Yes, you should plan regular stops
Explanation: Taking a 15-minute break every two hours is the recommended balance, and it's suggested you plan a trip with this in mind. Doing so will help you stay focused on driving safely.
A Driving with bald tyres
B Driving with new tyres
C Driving with over-inflated tyres
D Driving with under-inflated tyres
Correct Answer: D Driving with under-inflated tyres
Explanation: Driving with under-inflated tyres will worsen fuel consumption. Check your tyre pressures once per week. Low-pressure tyres have higher 'rolling resistance,' making the engine work harder.
A Continue forward slowly and gently apply the brakes
B Don't use the brakes for a few miles if you can
C Drive fast for a short while
D Pull over and dry them with a cloth
Correct Answer: A Continue forward slowly and gently apply the brakes
Explanation: Driving through water can leave your brakes wet, making them less efficient. Gently using your brakes as you continue will dry them quickly.
A Accelerate quickly through the junction
B Accelerate, looking left and right quickly
C Slow down or stop, then look both ways
D Stop the car, get out and have a look
Correct Answer: C Slow down or stop, then look both ways
Explanation: You should be cautious at unmarked junctions, especially where obstructions - such as hedges, parked cars, and buildings - block your view. In summer months, foliage may have grown to obstruct your view further, so take extra care.
A Quayside or river bank
B Reservoir ahead
C Steep downwards hill
D Uneven road surface
Correct Answer: A Quayside or river bank
Explanation: This sign warns of a nearby quayside or river bank, showing that there could be a steep drop into water nearby. There may or may not be a barrier along the edge, and the road near the drop is likely to be slippery. Take care.
A Check your right-hand mirror more frequently
B Increase your speed to pass the roadworks faster
C Look out for pedestrians in the road
D Stay close to the left side of the road
Correct Answer: C Look out for pedestrians in the road
Explanation: If the left-hand pavement is closed, be aware that there could be pedestrians in the road. Take extra care and reduce your speed.
A To pick up a passenger
B To use your phone
C When flashing red lights tell you to do so
D When you need to stretch your legs
Correct Answer: C When flashing red lights tell you to do so
Explanation: Flashing red lights tell you that a lane is closing, and that you should move to another lane. If flashing red lights indicate that all lanes are closing, all traffic on the motorway should stop.
A Do not travel at less than 50 mph
B Drive in the hard shoulder if there is one
C Overtake in whichever lane is has least traffic
D Unless overtaking, stay in the left lane
Correct Answer: D Unless overtaking, stay in the left lane
Explanation: Unless you are overtaking a slower vehicle, you should aim to be in the left-hand lane of the motorway at all times. After overtaking, move back into the left-hand lane, ensuring there is enough space between you and the vehicle you've just overtaken.
A Arrest drivers who break laws
B Assist broken down vehicles
C Stop and direct motorway drivers
D Stop and search vehicles
Correct Answer: C Stop and direct motorway drivers
Explanation: Traffic officers are allowed to stop and direct traffic on motorways and some 'A' class roads, even though they don't have enforcement powers. Traffic officers work in partnership with police at incidents. They can be recognised by their orange-and-yellow reflective jackets and the yellow-and-black markings on their vehicles.
A Do not use this lane
B Use this lane for parking only
C Use this lane only if your phone is ringing
D You may treat the hard shoulder as a normal lane, but not exceed 50 mph
Correct Answer: D You may treat the hard shoulder as a normal lane, but not exceed 50 mph
Explanation: This sign indicates that the hard shoulder is being used as a running lane, and that it has a mandatory speed limit of 50 mph. The hard shoulder will still be used by broken down vehicles in this scenario, so look far ahead for any obstructions.
A The driving time will increase
B The journey will be easier and you will get to your destination quicker
C The journey will be more stressful
D There will be more traffic
Correct Answer: B The journey will be easier and you will get to your destination quicker
Explanation: Planning your journey to avoid busy periods reduces congestion on the road, and means you'll spend less time queuing. Avoid morning and afternoon rush hours.
A Leave your dipped headlights on
B Leave your interior light on
C Leave your parking lights on
D Park with your vehicle facing away from traffic
Correct Answer: C Leave your parking lights on
Explanation: When parking at night on a road with a speed limit greater than 30 mph, you must leave your parking lights on. You should ensure you don't park close to a junction, and park facing the same way as the traffic flow.
A Contraflow systems
B National speed limits
C Traffic-calming measures
D Variable speed limits
Correct Answer: D Variable speed limits
Explanation: Variable speed limits are used to prevent the bunching up of traffic. You'll find variable speed limits in operation on smart motorways during busy periods. Keeping to the speed shown usually improves traffic flow and journey times. Keep an eye out for the speed limit changing as you drive.
A MOT certificate
B The vehicle's log book (V5C)
C Valid insurance
D Your driving licence
Correct Answer: C Valid insurance
Explanation: Road tax (also known as vehicle excise duty) can be renewed online or by phone, at the post office, or at vehicle registration offices. You'll need your renewal reminder notice, and may need your MOT certificate.
A 18 metres (59 feet)
B 36 metres (118 feet)
C 72 metres (236 feet)
D 96 metres (315 feet)
Correct Answer: B 36 metres (118 feet)
Explanation: Your vehicle type, model, and condition all affect stopping distance, as do the road surface, weather conditions, and your reaction time. Pay attention to the road well ahead. Looking for hazards that could emerge reduces the likelihood of you needing to brake suddenly. Additionally, you should always ensure you leave a big enough gap between you and the vehicle in front so you can stop safely.
A Brake sharply to make them drop back
B Pull over onto the hard shoulder and stop
C Slowly increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front
D Use your hazard warning lights to signal them
Correct Answer: C Slowly increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front
Explanation: If the vehicle behind is too close, you should gently lower your speed to increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front. This provides more space ahead of you in case you need to brake or stop, and reduces the likelihood of collisions. If there is a collision, the gap in front reduces the likelihood of multiple vehicles being involved.
A Drink an energy drink to get you through
B Leave at the first opportunity and find a safe place to stop
C Stop for a rest on the hard shoulder
D Turn up the radio
Correct Answer: B Leave at the first opportunity and find a safe place to stop
Explanation: Fresh air can help keep you alert when you begin to feel tired, but your first priority should always be using the next service area or motorway exit to find a safe place to rest.
A Don't do anything, you might make the situation worse
B Put your foot down on the clutch
C Steer to the left
D Steer to the right
Correct Answer: D Steer to the right
Explanation: If the back of your vehicle swings right as you turn left, keep calm and steer right, into the skid. Watch you don't overcorrect, as this could cause you to skid in the other direction. Driver error is usually the cause of a skid, so think back on what you could have done differently. Icy conditions and tyre wear affect the likelihood of skidding.
A Let the cyclists pull away first
B Sound the horn to warn the cyclists
C Stay close behind the cyclists to get past them sooner
D Try to get in front of the cyclists immediately
Correct Answer: A Let the cyclists pull away first
Explanation: The driver should give the cyclist time and space to pull away. Additionally, since cyclists often filter through stationary traffic, the driver should check their mirrors before moving off.
Correct Answer: B Insurance premiums
Explanation: Insurance companies usually charge higher premiums to those with drink or drug-driving convictions. This is because you have shown yourself to be a risk for yourself and other road users.
A Drink some strong coffee before driving
B Drive home only if it is nearby
C Take public transport or get a lift home
D Wait an hour before driving
Correct Answer: C Take public transport or get a lift home
Explanation: It will take time for the alcohol to pass through your friend's body, and drinking coffee or waiting only a few hours won't make a difference. You should recommend they get a lift from someone sober, or take public transport or a taxi. Large amounts of alcohol might mean they're still unfit to drive the next morning.
A The adults
B The child
C The driver (you)
D Whoever is in the front passenger seat
Correct Answer: C The driver (you)
Explanation: The driver is responsible for ensuring that passengers under 14 are wearing their seatbelts, or that they're secured with an approached child restraint. Both seatbelts and child restraints are designed to save lives and reduce injury.
A Driving at high speeds
B Regularly servicing your vehicle
C Switching to an automatic vehicle
D Using lower gears and revving the engine
Correct Answer: B Regularly servicing your vehicle
Explanation: Regular vehicle servicing helps keep your engine running efficiently, improving fuel consumption and reducing emissions.
A A busy road
B A garage
C A quiet car park
D A side street
Correct Answer: B A garage
Explanation: If you have one, a garage is the safest place to keep your car. This will protect your car from both potential thieves and the elements.
A Brake hard
B Drop back to a safe distance
C Flash your lights to signal your annoyance
D Sound your horn
Correct Answer: B Drop back to a safe distance
Explanation: Swerving or braking could cause you to lose control, and the vehicle behind may not be prepared for these sudden manoeuvres, leading to a collision. The best thing to do is slow down gently, slowly increasing the separation distance between you and the motorcycle.
A Driving in low gears
B Harsh braking
C Scan well ahead and anticipate hazards
D Using side streets
Correct Answer: C Scan well ahead and anticipate hazards
Explanation: Looking well ahead of you on the road will help reduce the impact of your vehicle on the environment. Anticipating road conditions and hazards ahead helps avoid unnecessary braking and harsh braking, and choosing the appropriate gear for the road ahead reduces engine revs, all of which reduces vehicle wear and improves fuel consumption.
A Night driving
B Poor tyre condition
C Speed limits
D Windy weather
Correct Answer: B Poor tyre condition
Explanation: Tyres in poor condition will lengthen the distance required to stop, as they'll have less grip on the road. Make sure your tyres are in good condition and are correctly inflated.
A Anytime after it passes you
B As soon as the vehicle passes you
C Before it passes you
D You shouldn't dip your headlights at night
Correct Answer: B As soon as the vehicle passes you
Explanation: You should dip your headlights as soon as the overtaking driver passes you to avoid dazzling them with your headlights. Drop back if necessary to ensure the dipped lights aren't dazzling either.
A Approaching bends or junctions
B On a dual carriageway
C On a single carriageway
D On country roads
Correct Answer: A Approaching bends or junctions
Explanation: Smaller vehicles and road users - pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists - can be hidden by your windscreen pillars. Be sure to move your head to look past them to check the road at bends and junctions.
A They are faster than other vehicles
B They can't steer to avoid other vehicles
C They cannot stop
D They have no horn
Correct Answer: B They can't steer to avoid other vehicles
Explanation: Some road systems accommodate both trams and motor vehicles. Be wary in these systems, as trams cannot steer to avoid you, and often accelerate very quickly. Driving in road systems with trams can take some getting used to, so plan accordingly.
A No, never
B No, unless you remain inside your vehicle
C Yes, if you have elderly passengers
D Yes, provided the crossing isn't blocked
Correct Answer: A No, never
Explanation: You should never park on these lines, as your vehicle will obstruct the view of the crossing for both drivers and pedestrians. Parking on these lines is an offence.
A Change your tyres
B Keep your hazard warning lights on at all times
C Make short journeys only
D Only drive if absolutely necessary
Correct Answer: D Only drive if absolutely necessary
Explanation: Because of the increased risk, you should only drive in snow if your journey is essential.
A Maintain a safe distance and reduce speed
B Move into the right-hand lane to overtake them
C Only brake after you get too close to the cars in front
D Use the verge or hard shoulder to undertake them
Correct Answer: A Maintain a safe distance and reduce speed
Explanation: Traffic will often slow as lanes merge. Allow vehicles from the right to merge into the left lane, and ensure there is always a safe gap between you and the vehicle in front, even if someone pulls into the gap.
A If your indicators are broken
B On a motorway to warn of an upcoming hazard
C To thank someone who has given you way
D When towing a vehicle
Correct Answer: B On a motorway to warn of an upcoming hazard
Explanation: You should use your hazard warning lights to warn traffic behind you of danger ahead on a motorway. They should also be used when your vehicle is causing an obstruction following a breakdown.
A It puts too much strain on your vehicle's battery
B Other drivers might think they're brake lights
C Your fog light bulbs are more likely to wear out
D Your indicators may not function
Correct Answer: B Other drivers might think they're brake lights
Explanation: Other drivers might think your rear fog lights are your brake lights if you use them in clear weather, and might misunderstand what you're doing. They can also dazzle drivers behind, distracting them from driving safely, particularly at night, in wet conditions, and on motorways. It is illegal to drive in good conditions with fog lights turned on.
A Only in slow moving traffic
B Only when they can drive fast enough
C When large vehicles are in the left and centre lanes
D When other lanes are closed
Correct Answer: D When other lanes are closed
Explanation: Vehicles towing trailers or caravans are not usually permitted to use the right-most lane, but may do so when all other lanes are closed.
A By ensuring laws of the road are enforced
B By increasing the number of road users
C It reduces fuel consumption
D Through lower insurance premiums
Correct Answer: C It reduces fuel consumption
Explanation: Driving in an environmentally friendly manner is called ecosafe driving. Your vehicle will produce fewer emissions and use less fuel, saving you money and reducing the impact of your vehicle on the environment.
A Complete your journey as quickly as possible
B Expect your journey to take longer and plan accordingly
C Turn on your hazard warning lights
D Use your side lights only
Correct Answer: B Expect your journey to take longer and plan accordingly
Explanation: Journeys in fog take longer, so you should plan accordingly, and only drive in the first place if your journey is absolutely necessary. If sudden fog is likely to make you late, let anyone you're due to be meeting know. This takes the pressure off you to drive more quickly than is advised in fog, and stops them worrying if you're late.
A At the end of a single carriageway
B Just before merging onto a motorway
C When involved in an accident that causes injury or damage
D Where a junction has 'give way' lines
Correct Answer: C When involved in an accident that causes injury or damage
Explanation: It is a legal requirement to stop your vehicle if an incident you're involved in causes injury or damage to a person, animal, vehicle, or property. Additionally, it is legally required to stop when a traffic or police officer, traffic warden, school crossing patrol, or traffic light signals you to do so.