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Joining a motorway

You can join a motorway

  • where a main road becomes a motorway. This is indicated by a specially worded sign
  • by joining at any entry point. A slip road leads onto the motorway.

At an entry point where a slip road leads to the motorway, adjust your speed to that of the traffic already on the motorway before joining it. Give priority to traffic already on the motorway.

Join where there’s a suitable gap in the left-hand lane. Use the Mirrors – Signal – Manoeuvre/Position – Speed – Look (MSM/PSL) routine.

A quick sideways glance might be necessary to verify the position of other vehicles. Try to avoid stopping at the end of the slip road unless queuing to join other slow-moving traffic.

At some slip roads there’s no need to join by merging because the joining lane may continue as a dedicated lane. Signs and road markings normally indicate this arrangement.


  • indicate your intention to join the motorway
  • make sure you can be seen
  • assess the speed of the traffic on the motorway before you try to join.


  • force your way into the traffic stream
  • drive along the hard shoulder.

Once you’ve joined the motorway, keep in the left-hand lane until you’ve had time to judge and adjust to the speed of the traffic already on the motorway.

In some cases, the lane merges from the right. Take extra care when joining or meeting traffic at these locations.