Traffic Signs

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Why should you slow down when you see this sign? Traffic Signs
Why should you slow down when you see this sign? Traffic Signs
You see this sign on a smart motorway. Which lane can you use? Traffic Signs
You see this traffic light ahead. Which light or lights will come on next? Traffic Signs
You’re approaching a red light at a puffin crossing. Pedestrians are on the crossing. How long will the red light stay on? Traffic Signs
You’re approaching traffic lights. Only the red light is showing. Which series of lights will show next? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a fully loaded coach that’s 12 metres long. What should you do when you approach this sign? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a laden articulated lorry with a maximum authorised mass of 38 tonnes on a dual carriageway in England. What speed limit applies to your vehicle after passing this sign? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a lorry 30 feet long and towing a trailer 15 feet long. What should you do when you see this sign? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a lorry that’s carrying a heavy load. What should you be prepared to do when you see this sign ahead? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a lorry weighing more than 7.5 tonnes on a dual carriageway in England. What does this sign mean? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a lorry weighing more than 7.5 tonnes on a motorway. What does this sign mean? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a lorry weighing more than 7.5 tonnes on a single carriageway road in England. What does this sign mean? Traffic Signs
You’re driving a lorry with a maximum authorised mass of 38 tonnes on a single carriageway road in England. What’s the speed limit for your vehicle after passing this sign? Traffic Signs
You’re driving an articulated lorry. What should you do when you see this sign? Traffic Signs